PAS and DAP stand by Anwar

(The Star) – PAS and DAP are standing by PKR and Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, following the release of a sex video implicating a high-ranking Opposition leader.

Leaders from both PAS and DAP also believe that the airing of the sex video was politically motivated and condemned it as a “dirty tactic”.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub said there was no question of PAS severing ties with PKR or leaving the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

“Everything is wrong about the whole scandal. The way the video was revealed was wrong and watching it is wrong. Islam does not accept this,” he said when approached at the Parliament lobby on Tuesday.

On PAS ulama council chief Datuk Harun Taib’s statement that the party might review its political ties if the sex video was authentic, Salahuddin said: “That is his own view.”

Party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said he had yet to speak to Harun about his statement but slammed those responsible for the sex video.

“Pakatan has decided to reject such dirty tactics which seek to defame and humiliate others. The video also surfaced on the day the Sarawak state assembly was dissolved to make way for elections.

“Pakatan urges the public to be united in rejecting such gutter politics,” he said in a press conference at the Opposition Leader’s office in Parliament.

Hadi Awang added that such tactics should be stopped so that the elections could be held fairly.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said DAP’s position was clear that it was supportive of PKR and Anwar.

“Malaysians should express outrage and condemnation that politics here have reached new depths in character assassination,” he said, adding that the whole scandal was aimed at the Sarawak elections.

