Rahim, Shazryl behind sex video

Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik (R) and Datuk Shazryl Eskay at today’s press conference. — Pic by Choo Choy May

(The Malaysian Insider) — Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik admitted today that businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay, Perkasa’s Datuk Shuib Lazim and himself were collectively the mysterious “Datuk T” behind Monday’s screening of a sex video allegedly featuring Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The former Malacca chief minister also admitted that both he and Shazryl were behind the video.

He told reporters at a joint press conference together with Shazryl that the trio had chosen to step forward on their own accord because they wanted to show that “a person with high ambitions of wanting to be national leader and prime minister of Malaysia … was not qualified.”

“This matter is important, especially to Muslims because they will not accept a person without … honour, integrity … to represent them,” he said, adding that they would fully cooperate with the police on the matter.

Shuib was absent from the news conference.

Abdul Rahim and Shazryl both denied the video was doctored.

“I am 100 per cent convinced because it’s me in the tape. I am in the tape. Why should I lie?” Shazryl shot back.

However, he ignored reporters when asked why he happened to be in the room where the sex act had been recorded.

Abdul Rahim, who turns 61 next month, repeatedly denied he was doing this out of vengeance against Anwar, whom he said had lied and forced him to quit his chief minister post years ago over the alleged statutory rape of a minor.

“It’s a coincidence. He had asked me to resign last time, so now I just want Anwar to follow in my footsteps,” he told reporters when questioned about the strategic timing of the sex expose.

He said the trio had wanted to screen the video two weeks ago, but could not find a suitable place to do so.

Abdul Rahim said Anwar had given him his marching orders in 1994, claiming they came from then-Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Shazryl describes himself as a friend to Anwar. — Pic by Choo Choy May

“He lied. Dr Mahathir told me he did not give them,” the former Umno vice-president once allied to Dr Mahathir said.

Anwar was deputy prime minister from 1993 until he was sacked under a cloud of sex and corruption charges in 1998.

Shazryl, who described himself as a friend to Anwar, added that Sungai Petani MP Datuk Johari Abdul — nephew to Shuib and known to be a close associate of Anwar — was also convinced it was the PKR de facto chief after watching the video on Monday afternoon.

“When Johari came in, he said, ‘That’s him’,” Shazryl told reporters today.

The businessman charged with corruption in an ongoing trial over Malaysia’s “crooked bridge” to Singapore suggested that Johari had changed his story after failing in his demand for money.

Shazryl said Johari had demanded RM1 million per person to draw seven PKR MPs with him to cross over to Umno.

He denied PKR’s claims today that he had gone public with the sex expose in a bid to blackmail Anwar.

“If I wanted to blackmail, I would have gone straight to Anwar,” said Shazryl who said he was a whistleblower but was being punished publicly.

He also denied he had a falling-out with Anwar and was seeking revenge.

He added that he was worried for his safety now and hopes the police would contact him soon as he had only that one recording of the sex video.

Asked why he did not go to the police instead, Shazryl said: “I don’t know where to go.”


