So What’s the Difference between the Two Videos?

Cyberspace is all abuzz with the latest controversial video allegedly showing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a Chinese prostitute.

You can read about it HERE. More then three years ago, On January 1, 2008, Chua Soi Lek, the then Health Minister admitted that he was the person featured in a sensational sex DVD that was widely being circulated in Johor. The two DVDs were distributed anonymously in Muar and other towns in Johor show Dr Chua having sex with a young woman, described by him as a “personal friend.” The DVDs are believed to be wireless hidden camera recordings in a hotel suite. You can read more HERE.

In this post, I want to highlight some similarities and startling differences between the two cases.


1. Both video recordings used FOUR HIDDEN CAMERAS!

According to Asia Sentinel, Chua Soi Lek, the current president of the Malaysian Chinese Association, was caught on film from four cameras in a hotel room with a woman, allegedly by opponents within the MCA. He was forced to resign from office, but made a comeback and was named to head the ethnic Chinese party.

According to The Star, Datuk T said he found four well-hidden CCTV cameras behind the dresser.

2. Both video recordings were in BLACK AND WHITE.

Check HERE for the statement on the new video and HERE for CSL’s video.

3. Both videos had the protagonists in various compromising positions (according to various online sites).

Asia Sentinel said that in the one that surfaced yesterday, the couple were involved in the so-called “advanced lotus” sexual position.

I need not elaborate on what transpired in the CSL video.

4. Both videos were filmed with the same motive – to bring down the ‘star’ of the show.


1. With regards to the CSL videos, the Batu Pahat magistrate’s court yesterday sentenced three persons to jail and hefty fines for possessing and reproducing the sex DVD of former Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek. Read more HERE.

For the video that surfaced yesterday, The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that:

Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said today that the screening of the sex video allegedly showing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a Chinese prostitute may not have been illegal despite laws barring pornography.

“It depends on what the purpose is. They wanted to show proof that Anwar had sex with this woman, not to make a pornographic video,” said the minister in the prime minister’s department.

Hours later, The Malaysian Insider carried another report HERE which said:

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz today denied a claim that a sex video recording linked to an opposition leader was shown to several Barisan Nasional (BN) members of Parliament at the MPs’ lounge yesterday.

“I think that was misreported. People were searching for the video yesterday but nobody saw it. Even until 9.30 last night, they (MPs) couldn’t get it.

“And it is not correct to say only BN MPs. There were other MPs too. That report was totally wrong,” Nazri (picture) said when asked to comment on yesterday’s news portal (The Malaysian Insider) report.

The report said the sex video recording was watched on a staff laptop by several government backbenchers in the MPs’ lounge in Parliament building yesterday, hours after media representatives watched it the morning.

Obviously, the only way to verify if indeed the MPs were watching the videos would be to check the cctv recordings of the lobby area. Then the truth will be revealed once and for all.

How is it possible that a person can change tune so quickly? One moment it is NOT illegal to view the videos and then later…the viewing did not take place. I wonder if some of us are in a different realm of existence.

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