Anwar: Sex tape Rahim’s vendetta

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 24 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today claimed revenge had motivated Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik towards orchestrating a sex tape scandal implicating the opposition leader

“The involvement of Rahim Tamby Chik reminds me of his old case and old grudge… of his rape accusations and case where the prosecution papers were signed by (Attorney General Tan Sri) Gani Patail that he was involved with a bribery issue.

In 1994, Abdul Rahim had been charged with statutory rape involving a minor. Although the charge was later dropped by authorities, who cited insufficient evidence, the scandal had cost Abdul Rahim his political career.KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 24 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today claimed revenge had motivated Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik towards orchestrating a sex tape scandal implicating the opposition leader

“The involvement of Rahim Tamby Chik reminds me of his old case and old grudge… of his rape accusations and case where the prosecution papers were signed by (Attorney General Tan Sri) Gani Patail that he was involved with a bribery issue.

In 1994, Abdul Rahim had been charged with statutory rape involving a minor. Although the charge was later dropped by authorities, who cited insufficient evidence, the scandal had cost Abdul Rahim his political career.

“He’s doing this out of revenge,” Anwar said today.

The PKR de facto leader then claimed the police’s shielding of Abdul Rahim and his accomplices suggested a more intricate conspiracy over the sex video.

“They are being protected by the Special Branch. Why is the police protecting them? In this case… because they are Umno leaders, police are ordered to protect them.

“I have said this to the home minister and PM, that they are involved, but they are protecting Umno leaders,” said Anwar.

Abdul Rahim admitted yesterday that businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay, Perkasa’s Datuk Shuib Lazim and himself were collectively the mysterious “Datuk T” behind Monday’s screening of a sex video allegedly featuring Anwar.

The former Malacca chief minister also admitted that both he and Shazryl were behind the video.

He told reporters at a joint press conference together with Shazryl that the trio had chosen to step forward on their own accord because they wanted to show that “a person with high ambitions of wanting to be national leader and prime minister of Malaysia … was not qualified.”

Abdul Rahim and Shazryl both denied the video was doctored.

