God does not want World Peace

By John Doe

Six billion people have been praying for “World Peace” at minimum, for the past 2 thousand years. Add to that number the 5 billion people who have died the last century, and the 4billion people who have died from the previous one and so on. You can end up with a conservative number of circa 25-30 Billion people who have prayed for world peace, ever since Adam & Eve.

Why has this singular, selfless, peace-loving prayer NOT been answered ? Children pray for it, adults pray for it, and even the aged pray for this elusive World Peace. Pigeons have been released, chickens, goats, cows and even camels have been slaughtered, to try to “bribe” God for this world peace. Sometimes, even human sacrifices were performed. People of ALL religions have prayed for this world peace. The response from God so far? War after war after war after war. From localized skirmishes till the 2 world wars, it was always war after war.
Anyone who thinks it was “peaceful” in the good old days is only deluding themselves. Just because one is naive does NOT mean that it was peaceful. Any quick read through any History textbook, will realize that they record nothing but wars !! And without the News Coverage on TV, or the internet, one never heard about it, and THEREFORE assumed that it was peaceful. It was definitely NOT !! It was War after War after war. And God sanctioned it !! And God even got a “commission” of 32 Virgin Women !!
Not kidding. Read Numbers 31:40

40And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD’S tribute was thirty and two persons.

The rest you can read in Numbers Chapter 31. It details a genocide spelt out in in minute detail. After all the males were killed, 

 15And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
 16Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
 17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
 18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

You must remember that this was NOT just mere instructions, but it was actually carried out. Children were dutifully slaughtered. Bludgeoned by the sword in cold blood, as per prescribed by God Himself !!
How different is this from people whom, today, believe that God has called them to go out and kill, and bludgeon “enemies of their God”? Despite being in direct contradiction to “Thou Shall not kill”, killing in God’s name is perfectly permissible !! No? Think I’m kidding? 
Try reading Joshua, which is taught to young 6 year olds, about the walls crumbling down. But why stop there? Read on.

21And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.

Friends, this is called Mass Murder. This is called Genocide. No wonder there is no world peace. Apparently the Jews went out and slew these people in their God’s Name. So, however you try to justify this, the next time some army comes marching up to your city, or country and  slits your throat, and takes your virgin daughters to “do as they please”, do not complain !! Because that person’s God gave them those specific instructions.
Still praying for World Peace now?? I’ll do a “Nostradamus Ending” to this piece.
Regardless of how much you pray, no matter how many people pray, and no matter which “Holy Man” decides to pray on anyone’s behalf for “World Peace”. Regardless of how many chickens, goats, cows, or even human sacrifices you make, there will be wars within the next 5 years, and many more for generations to come.
Two hands working towards World Peace are far better than a Praying Planet !!!
And you can quote me on this…
