MoCS gives 30 reasons why Taib must go

MoCS asks Taib to ponder over the 30 reasons why he should step down on his 30th anniversary in power.

(Free Malaysia Today) – KUCHING: There is no joy in the air among Sarawakians as Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud celebrates his 30th anniversary as Sarawak’s chief executive today.

“I doubt the people of Sarawak are in the mood to celebrate with their chief minister although Taib has achieved the historic milestone as the country’s longest-serving CM,” said Movement For Change, Sarawak leader Francis Paul Siah.

“Taib’s legacy is one of blatant abuse of power. To Sarawakians and Malaysians, he will be remembered as one of the nation’s most corrupt political leaders who perpetuated money politics and the politics of patronage, nepotism and despotism. He is also the grandmaster of the politics of fear and intimidation,” he said.

Siah pointed out that Taib’s alleged acquisition of enormous wealth through illegal and dishonest means has caused a lot of suffering to Sarawakians.

“Business opportunities are almost zero for those not linked to Taib or his family and cronies. The massive land grabs have caused untold sufferings to the people, particularly the Dayaks. The fraudulent destruction of Sarawak’s forests has created an environmental disaster for the state,” he said.

“With all these negatives stacked against the chief minister, who is in the mood to celebrate with him? In fact, Taib should have stepped down long ago.

“With his declared intention to stay on, it is now clear that people’s power is the only way to remove him. If the April 16 state election fails to do that, then Sarawakians will have to take other courses of action,” Siah said.

The MoCS leader reminded Taib of the movement’s deadline for him to go – Aug 13 this year.

“If he is still around by then, we will know what to do,” Siah added.

MoCS has also compiled a list of 30 reasons why Taib must step down in conjunction with his 30th anniversary today:


