Asri decries ‘porn-litics’

(Harakah Daily) – KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 28: Former mufti of Perlis Dr Asri Zainul Abidin has called on Malaysians to reject lewd politics following the emergence of a pornographic clip targetting Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

In his first reaction to the clip saga triggered by the accusation last week by former Melaka chief minister Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, Asri said the people should express their disgust over what he described was an increasingly ‘obscene’ national political scene.
“All quarters regardless of religion, party affiliation and race must state their protest against such dirty and disgusting culture among our politicians and media. “We oppose lewd politics and espionage,” he said.
Asri also rapped the media, urging them not to encourage the culture of pornography and dirty politics, adding that media indulgingin such stories must be boycotted.


