MCA tells Nazri to join DAP

By Teoh El Sen, Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: MCA continued its attack on Umno leader Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz today, urging the latter to join DAP.

The minister in the Prime Minister’s Department had been drawing flak since last week when he had described MCA as a “neglected wife.”

The latest to join the fray was MCA publicity bureau deputy chairman Loh Seng Kok, who called on Nazri to “self-reflect on his impudent” remarks because the latter did not understand Umno and Barisan Nasional’s structure.

“Nazri should join DAP which claims to be a multi-racial party but yet does not have sufficient Malay influence,” he said in a statement.

Loh was referring to a statement by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who said that he preferred Nazri over MCA because “at least he (Nazri) had helped the Chinese community.”

The MCA leader also noted that since other Umno leaders did not back Nazri, it indicated that the minister’s remarks did not reflect the stand of Umno or the Malay community.

On the same note, Loh pointed out that Umno did not represent all Malays, because opposition parties PAS and PKR also had strong support from the community.

He also said that Nazri’s “merciless” attack on a BN component party had opened the door for the opposition to “undermine the coalition’s unity and harmony.”

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Last week, Nazri had told Chinese daily Nanyang Siang Pau in an interview that “MCA is like a wife who keeps complaining to outsiders that she has been detained, sexually abused and denied food by her husband, but she refuses to divorce.”

Nazri had also warned MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek not to act like a “Chinese hero” and mocked the latter about his sex scandal.

Following this, the minister had come under fire from top MCA leaders, including deputy president Liow Tiong Lai, who vowed to bring up the matter during the next BN supreme council meeting, and vice-president Wee Ka Siong, who called Nazri “arrogant.”


