Opposition leader: Use outside help to authenticate sex video

(The Star) – A senior PAS leader wants foreign experts to be called in to investigate the authenticity of the sex video implicating Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Outspoken PAS central committee member Mohamad Sabu said the public would only believe the outcome of investigations if foreign experts were roped in.

“The public doubts the independence of local institutions as many feel that it (the sex video scandal) is politically motivated,” he said.

“It is best if a commission of inquiry be formed and the service of foreign experts sought to verify the authenticity of the video and subsequently identify the person in it.”

Mohamad is the first PAS leader to make such suggestion since the scandal broke following the exposure of the video by “Datuk T” comprising businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik and Perkasa treasurer Datuk Shuaib Lazim last Monday.

Anwar lodged a police report on Tuesday claiming he was not the man in the video.

Mohamad said, personally, he had no desire to watch the video to verify the identity of the person in it.

“Let the authorities investigate,” he said.

Mohamad also refused to comment on reports that countered Anwar’s claim that he was tweeting during the time the video was purportedly filmed.

China Press and other Chinese media had reported that there were no records showing Anwar tweeted between 9.20pm and 11.39pm on Feb 21. The sex act in the video was recorded between 10.23pm and 10.45pm on Feb 21.

Meanwhile, PKR supreme council member Badrul Hisham Shaharin, who watched the video on Monday evening, said he was convinced that the man in the video was not Anwar.

Speaking at a ceramah at Taman Pauh Indah, Permatang Pauh, on Saturday night, Badrul likened the performance of the man in the video to award-winning actor Ben Kingsley in the movie Gandhi.

“Ben Kingsley is a white guy, while Gandhi was an Indian. But, if you placed a photograph of Ben Kingsley alongside Gandhi’s, you would say they are the same person,” he said.

