GTP : Transforming or mere improvements?

By Lee Wee Tak

Najib administration released the 2010 annual report for Government Transformation Programme; an understandable tactical undertaking given the coming Sarawak and imminent General Election.

Among the quotable statement are as follows:

a bold programme aimed at radically transforming the way the Government worked so we could deliver real solutions

Reducing Crime, Fighting Corruption, Improving Student Outcomes, Raising Living Standards of Low-Income Households, Improving Rural Basic Infrastructure and Improving Urban Public Transport

According to the Prime Minister,

I am proud to say that the GTP, led by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) within the Prime Minister’s Department, has delivered many positive outcomes. The GTP has registered many “firsts” that have directly or indirectly, enhanced the lives of millions. We have broken new ground and are on the verge of greater accomplishments.

It is a welcome initiative from the Najib administration to provide a report to the public. As informed and thinking tax payer, we should bear these 2 matters in mind: 1) self praise is no praise; and 2) please shed ourselves of beggar and feudal mentality – we do not owe our living to the elected occupiers of seats of responsibility and authority, it is very much the other way around.

Let’s appraise the report pretty much like a shareholder in a plc’s annual general meeting and see if our tax money has been spent by a prime minister elected by his political party, not by the general public.

Transformation suggest a paradigm shift, a “new deal” – like Lee Kuan Yew as early as 1980’s told Singaporeans that the then booming labour intensive and low cost manufacturing base was not a sustainable option and began making the little red dot the financial, petroleum processing and regional office hub that is today.

I would rate the report card as showing tangible incremental improvements over a miserable delivery system that takes little to better. Yes, overall there are some positives, but I would not say that it has broken new ground.

On the contrary, it is probably inching towards what tax payers realistically can expect a proper government to deliver. CRIME:

On page 7 “Big Result Fast” – it was claimed that 2001 violent cases backlog has been cleared. Why should there be a backlog in the first place? Clearing backlog is nothing to be proud about, it is about waking up and catching up for “goyang kaki” in the past. Speaking of backlog case, what happened to the death of Kugan and Teoh Beng Hock cases?

On the same page, 7,402 police personnel have been mobilised from desk jobs to front line to fight crime.

On page 133 of DAP Economic Bureau’s 2010 Alternate Budget (I got my copy in 2009), there is a statement here,

“we need to restructure our excessive placement of police personnel in Federal Reserve Unit (FRU), Administration, Logistics and Special Branch so that we can deploy more police personnel to crime-fighting divisons such as CID which makes up of only 7% of the police force now”.

Nice to see the BN administration taking alternate views seriously but they need to work on giving due credit and not “gasakking” it.

On the CORRUPTION front, 284 offenders have been listed in sprm website.

Among the cases:
No. Kes : 62-2-2011 PERTUDUHAN PILIHAN: Bahawa kamu pada 3 Januari 2011, jam lebih kurang 12.00 tengah hari, di Pasar Awam Kuala Pilah, dalam Daerah Kuala Pilah, dalam Negeri Sembilan, telah memberikan suatu suapan iaitu wang tunai RM 100.00 kepada seorang ejen Kerajaan Malaysia iaitu (RF/164062)

No. Kes : 62-8-2011 PERTUDUHAN PILIHAN: Bahawa kamu pada 3 Februari 2011, jam lebih kurang 11.45 pagi, di dalam Pondok Polis Terminal One, dalam Daerah Seremban, dalam Negeri Sembilan, telah memberikan suatu suapan iaitu wang tunai RM 50.00 kepada, Konstabel (RF/170575)


Whereas …. all the ex-PKA directors are granted amnesty by the current directors, which make all of them seem to be jointly culpable at the very least.

Silence is gold when certain issues in Sarawak are concerned

On page 66, The Miniter in PM Department, stated

With the implementation of the initiatives under the Fighting Corruption NKRA, the Government has continued to demonstrate dedication towards eliminating corruption and graft in the nation. The recent Global Corruption Barometer results reflect this, and although I am confident that we are on the right path, we will not be complacent and will step up our efforts towards achieving our targets and objectives in 2011

On the right path? Just days ago, the RCI in Teoh Beng Hock’s Inquery has this to say about MACC


Commissioner Datuk T. Selventhiranathan lambasted Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigating officer Anuar Ismail today for seizing documents from the Selangor executive councillor’s office on July 15 2009 without a written order from the Attorney-General.

Let’s not even talk about how MACC believe a man who is about to get married tomorrow can strangle himself.

What about the annual horrendous leakages reported by the Auditors’ General Reports? Section 40 & 41 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2008 empowers the recovery of stolen public funds but do we see the resolve of the Najib administration to execute the relevant provisions of the law passed by his very own administration?

A real transformation would be to transfer the MACC from under the thumb of the Prime Minister to Parliament, even a blind mouse can see that. Otherwise, there is every chance of MACC being used as a political tool, something that have coloured more than a few views both in and outside Malaysia.

It is my personal opinion that a government transformation programme should include the following:

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