Two senior Customs officers nabbed for corruption

By Lourdes Charles, The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Two senior Customs officers have been arrested over money laundering activities and corruption involving billions of ringgit in unpaid taxes.

The arrests came after a massive nationwide operation involving several government agencies.

It is learnt that a high-powered task force comprising officers from Bank Negara, the Inland Revenue Board, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Attorney-General’s Chambers conducted simultaneous raids throughout the country over the last 48 hours.

Sources said more than 400 MACC officers were involved in the operation that saw hundreds of documents being seized.

The documents belonged to forwarding agents in several ports in Klang, Penang, Kuantan, Johor and Sabah.

The sources said the raiding team also seized several Customs computers besides freezing and seizing of hundreds of bank accounts belonging to agents and officers.

It is learnt Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail is personally supervising the operation from the legal aspect as investigations are also being carried out under the Anti-Money Laundering Act.
