Azmin probed for sedition, illegal assembly

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, March 30 — PKR deputy president Azmin Ali confirmed today he’s under investigation for sedition and holding an illegal assembly.

The police are looking into the talk he held at his service centre last week, under Section 27(5) of the Police Act and Section 1 of the Sedition Act.

Azmin said he was “surprised” to find out that the officer who recorded his statement had not read the police report made against the Gombak MP.

He said the 18 questions put to him had instead been written up by the Selangor police contingent headquarters (IPK).

His lawyer, N. Surendran, said he was “shocked” by the questions asked, which suggested that Malaysia was a “police state” or “dictatorship”.

Surendran said Azmin was asked if the content of his ceramah could incite the people to fight the government and if the popular revolts in Egypt and Tunisia were brought up during the event.

“The questioning today was nothing more than harassment, intimidation of the representative who was carrying out his duties,” Surendran said.

“The questioning was simply in order to prevent the opposition from questioning government policies.”


