Interlok: Indians 1 Chinese 0

By Centre for Policy Initiatives

Many Malaysians are not aware of NIAT and Hartal MSM, among two NGOs that have been in the forefront of civil society opposition to the use of Interlok as a compulsory Bahasa Melayu SPM text. Through a combination of hard research and public consciousness-raising actions, these two civil society organizations have shown the way forward in challenging various government policies that are not in the public interest.

There is a need for other civil society organizations in the country to emulate the example set by NIAT and Hartal MSM. There is a need to learn from and be inspired by their commitment to ensuring that racism does not become embedded in our society.

Their determination to stand up against the powerful political and bureaucratic forces working to undermine our liberal and democratic way of life is especially admirable.  Their struggle is one against an entrenched and authoritarian system that is all too ready to employ the state apparatus in all its permutations to coerce or co-opt dissident voices into silence and passivity.

CPI is sharing with our readers excerpts from their various postings. We hope that you will not only visit their websites but also support the cause too.

NIAT, which represents the Indian NGOs, is giving a briefing to the Backbenchers Club in Parliament today. They had earlier on March 21 briefed Pakatan Rakyat MPs. The Chinese ground however remains woefully ignorant about the repercussions ofInterlok remaining in the syllabus.

NIAT (National Interlok Action Team)


Dato’ Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Haj 
(Religious, Social & Language Activist)


Mr Arun Dorasamy 
Asst: Mr Krishna Subramaniam & Mr Tanabalan Egamaran 
Malaysia Hindu Sangam


Dr Suppiah

President, Federation of Indian NGOs 
(Representing more than 150 Indian NGOs)

Dr Bala Tharmalingam

Deputy President, Malaysia Hindu Sangam

Rev. Henry  Sandanam

President, Association of Tamil Pastors and Christians Fellowship of  Malaysia (TPCFM)

Mr Rajaretnam Armuggan

President, Persatuan Progressif India Malaysia (MIPAS)

Mr Kishur Goonasaran

President, Malaysian Indian Student Association (MISA)

Mr Barathidasan Saminathan

Secretary General, Persatuan Progressif India Malaysia (MIPAS)

Mr A. Murali

Chairman, Tamilan Uthavum Karangal

Mr Alegesan Batumalai

Vice President, Malaysian Indian Youth Council (MIYC)

Mr S. Gobi Krishnan

Secretary General, Malaysian Indian Arts, Culture and Heritage Organization (MIACHO)

Mr Uthaya Sankar SB

Presiden, Kumpulan Sasterawan Kayvan

Footnote: NIAT represents more then half a million Malaysian actively and millions more silently.

Executive summary


