50 years of the ISA / Conference / Lunch

Dear all —  the organisers of the ISA conference 50 Years of the ISA in Malaysia would like to remind you that the event will be held this Saturday, 2nd April 2011.

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, former Cabinet Minister, will speak in person at the conference, as will Tan Wah Piow, a former student leader in Singapore who fled the Island State when there was an ISA threat to his liberty in the 1980s. The leader of the Hindraf Movement, P.Uthayakumar,  and fellow ISA-detainee from 2007 – Raja Petra Kamarudin, will speak via a Skype link.

Peter John Jaban, who is a radio host at the London-based Radio Free Sarawak, will present a perspective on the practice of detention without trial in the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak. The highly-regarded Human Rights lawyer, who won the Bindmans Award for his work in Malaysia, Malik Imtiaz, will give an insight into his landmark challenge against the abuse of the ISA by the Home Minister which led to the freeing of Raja Petra Kamaruddin from ISA detention. Academic, Author and Activist, Dr. Kua Kia Soong, will give a personal account of his 445 days of imprisonment under the ISA when over 100 fellow activists, journalists and Opposition party members were arrested under Operasi Lalang in 1987.

For more information about the event, please see 50 Years of the ISA in Malaysia. A light Malaysian lunch can be purchased during the lunch break at 1.30pm. Lunch costs £5.

Kind regards,
Friends of Pakatan Rakyat

