Of Bull, Buffoons & Bun(g)kum

When he felt it was the right time to put his big foot in his mouth, he picked on women again. This time he blamed women drivers for road accidents. According to him, “they do not concentrate on the road”.

By Martin Jalleh

Like several MPs in Umno, MP for Kinabatangan, Bung Mokhtar Radin, believes that he was born to be in the limelight by spewing out his sexist, salacious and silly remarks when and where he likes.

He just cannot bear to be ignored by the public. He begs for attention within and without parliament. He is therefore always ready to boisterously blare out the most bizarre or base.

It does not really matter if parliament’s reputation is blighted by his bad behavior, as long as he is in the news! He does it blatantly for Umno is always behind him. The Speaker is ever ready to turn a blind eye.

Bored with the more demanding debates that were taking place in parliament and of which he is often not bright enough to participate in, he could hardly wait to earn top billing with his next verbal balderdash.

Furthermore, with more and more former Umno leaders burrowing through the woodwork and basking in the limelight for the wrong reasons, Bung must have found it very difficult to remain unnoticed in the background.

When he felt it was the right time to put his big foot in his mouth, he picked on women again. This time he blamed women drivers for road accidents. According to him, “they do not concentrate on the road”.

He bellowed: “Just because they are inside a car, they think that the world is theirs, they don’t look right or left…and when honked at, women drivers get upset and they show all sorts of signs.”

PAS’ MP Dr Siti Mariah Mahmood refused to be bullied. She told Bung bluntly to take back his bull. His accusation was not based on any studies or surveys but was a sheer stereotyping of woman drivers.

Bung barked that he had spoken the truth, and brashly accused the Kota Raja MP for attempting to politicise the issue. He then did what he is always best at – name-calling! He told her not to be a monkey!

Dzulkefly Ahmad (PAS-Kuala Selangor) bolstered his colleague’s argument and asked Bung what evidence he had to back his claim. He also reminded the blur Umno MP that his wife and mother are women.

But Bung refused to budge! He insisted that he was not being disrespectful to women and added that he was merely pointing out that accidents happened to women who had just passed their driving tests.

Women came online and gave Bung a blistering earful. The overall sentiment of the citizens of Bolehland was best summarized in a sentence by a lady: “Bung’s brain is full of dung!”

The All Women’s Action Society (Awam) blasted Bung for his latest sexist remark. They told him to apologise and asked him to resign immediately for he was “an utter disgrace as a parliamentarian”.

Awam brought to light the systemic and string of Bung’s sexist and offensive remarks made in Parliament, the infamous “bocor” attack against MP Fong Poh Kuan in 2007, being the first on their list.

Further examples of Bung being bereft of any respect for women included his disparaging comments about single women’s marital status, sexual innuendos and double entendres such as “Can I push through a little?”

The chauvinist buffoon has also been captured on tape making vulgar gestures in parliament. Believe it or not, he has almost never been censured despite violating standing orders against unbecoming conduct.

In 2010 women’s groups told Bung to resign when he was found guilty by a syariah court of entering into an illegal polygamous marriage. The rakyat veru appropriately branded the lawmaker a lawbreaker!

If only Bung would bother to educate himself he would learn that some studies in the UK point to the fact that young male drivers are more likely to cause an accident than women drivers.

Apart from being short of brains, Bung lacks courage to tell the Federal (BN) Government the bare truth that the atrocious road conditions in Sabah are one of the main causes of frequent and fatal accidents there.

In his latest bunkum he blames the opposition for “twisting” his statement.  He says he is facing “sexual harassment” from women’s groups over his recent remark. He runs to the Speaker to soothe his bruised ego.

If Sabahans really have their well-being and future in mind, then they are duty-bound to bundle off such a blabbermouth, blaggard and a bane to parliament and Sabah, in the next general elections!

