Fair and Reasonable to Whom? Hishamuddin must apologize to Christians

By Ronnie Klassen

Malaysians have always and will always respect the diverse culture, religion and race, without any reservation and compromise.The recent events by the Malaysian Government, in particular the Minister Of Home Affairs in ‘Defacing the Holy Bible” and their divide and rule culture is an awakening of what 1Malaysia is all about. The iron fist drama in insulting and ridiculing Malaysian Christians by defacing the holy bible is tantamount to treason, under Article 11 of the Federal Constitution.

The Federal Constitution must be upheld and defended, and the Minister of Home Affairs must not be given the authority to play “GOD”. The Home Minister’s recent comment demanding Christians to be “Fair and Reasonable” is a further insult to the Malaysian Christians. The bigger question is, Fair and Reasonable to whom?

A Police Report will be lodged by me tomorrow 2nd April 2011 at the Karamunsing Police Station in Kota Kinabalu against the Home Minister and the Federal Government in their irresponsible act of insulting and ridiculing Malaysians Christians by Defacing The Holy Bible. I call upon all Christians in Sabah to rally behind us, Coalition of Sabah Christians in one solidified stand, by joining us at the Karamunsing Police Station tomorrow, and thereafter a Press Conference will be held at the Police Station. The Malaysian Government must respect our Constitution, particularly Article 11 of the Constitution, failing which the Constitution upheld with high esteem by Malaysians is worthless.

In our efforts to garner support and to increase the awareness and our rights as Malaysians first and Christians, I also lodged a Police Report in the name of the Coalition of Malaysian Christians against the Home Minister and the Federal Government on 26th March 2011 at the Petaling Jaya Police Station. The presence of a good number of Catholic Priests, Pastors, Church leaders and Parishioners of different Christian Denominations was evident that our Constitutional rights as Malaysian Christians must be respected. Enclosed is the video clip at the Petaling Jaya Police Station for your viewing.

