Deaths at Pulapol a matter of Grave Concern

It is deeply regrettable that Malaysians continue to be complacent in matters related to cleanliness.

By Jesse Nathan

The recent deaths of trainees at the Pusat Latihan Polis (PULAPOL) in Kuala Lumpur is a matter of grave concern to all Malaysians. Every life is precious and our hearts go out to the bereaved families of the dead.
The deaths are believed to be linked to unhygienic conditions at the training centre. It is deeply regrettable that Malaysians continue to be complacent in matters related to cleanliness.
PULAPOL is one of the oldest training academies in the country. It was established to groom cadet inspectors and new recruits into taking up law enforcement duties to meet the growing expectations of the public, deeply concerned about escalating crime statistics.
The training centre has apparently been lax on the issue of cleanliness. The reputation of the police force is now at stake. As a result of the dereliction of duties, grave doubts have now emerged in the minds of the public with regards to the competency of  the police force, especially about its expertise in problem-solving. It is therefore imperative for PULAPOL to take remedial action immediately to halt the loss of confidence in the force.
A filthy environment inevitably encourages the proliferation of rats. The rodent population increases rapidly when they have unimpeded access to food. Humans become infected when exposed to water and soil contaminated with the urine of rodents. It is therefore crucial for everyone to adhere strictly to regulations pertaining to the handling and disposal of food.
Regular inspections at PULAPOL would undoubtedly have exposed the necessity for a higher standard of hygiene. Cleanliness is one of the hallmarks in any training establishment. As mass cooking is involved, cleanliness should be a priority because young trainees easily succumb to food-contaminated diseases.
PULAPOL should have solicited the assistance of the Ministry of Health to inspect its premises immediately when the problem surfaced. If such precautionary measures had been initiated, it is conceivable that the situation would not have aggravated so disastrously, resulting in unnecessary deaths and the quarantine of hundreds of trainees.
The lackadaisical attitude of the police authorities has led to the loss of lives and the anguish of the affected families. The Commandant of PULAPOL must take responsibility for the deaths of the young men who were in the prime of their lives. He should have ensured that the place was meticulous before the commencement of any training.
A senior-level investigative panel should be established to probe the causes of the deaths. The findings of the panel should then form the basis for recommendations to improve the level of hygiene at PULAPOL.
