Partners in Politics and Business Too!

Sarawak Report

Another Mahmud brother, another land grabber!  Taib was hardly going to leave his brother Ali out of the party.  After all Mohammad Ali bin Mahmud, is also slaving away as a State YB for Muara Tuang and a stalwart of Taib’s PBB (part of BN).

However, Ali has clearly been anxious to disguise his involvement in the land grabs.  Could it be that he thinks that it could be regarded as wrong by his voting constituents?

Most other records in the land registry put the contact name and details clearly into the section where these are requested.  However, Ali just slipped in a telephone number for the company Tabaruk Abadi, which was registered in 2007 as having taken over 5,000 hectares in Sri Aman for oil plantation.

As an attempt at a disguise however, this was fairly blundering.  The number matches the one advertised for him on the website for people’s representatives!  Likewise, the address for the company Tabaruk Abadi matches the address given for him on the people’s representatives website, which is that of his company Mohd Ali Holding Sdn Bhd.

Tabaruk Abadi – the address and telephone number matches Taib’s brother’s!

Political allies join in business too

But it is not just Mohammad who is doing well out of Tabaruk Abadi, a company which has acquired numerous plantation lands over the years.  His close political ally the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly, Mohd Asfia Awg Nassar, is also a fellow shareholder in the business.  Handily for the two politicians the Welfare Board of Kota Samarahan has also engaged in the business, providing a good source of state funding for their enterprises!

Brothers in politics, partners in business!

With his wife Datin Fatimah, Mohammad owns 13,000 shares, the lion’s share for the Mahmud family, of course. Yet, the two men are clearly close allies.  In fact Asfia named his son after Mohammad Ali.  It is clearly a partnership that has done him well, as he is now Parliamentary speaker and one of Taib’s inner circle.  It goes without saying that he has an extremely large house.  This demonstrates that once again wealth and success in Sarawak relies on talent – talent in sucking up to the Mahmud family that is.


