Smut video: call in 3rd party experts

Sakmongkol AK47

In my opinion, there are 2 issues to the airing of the smut video. We must separate the issues. One is a possible criminal offense of airing for public viewing, pornographic material. It must be in contravention of some act.

If it is an offense, the people behind the airing of the video must be punished. It doesn’t exonerate the sponsors by claiming they wanted to just show to one or two persons, but so many turn up. This is the egg shell skull rule perhaps. Having made the bed, you now lie on it? If the people sponsoring or showing pornographic material do so in contravention of a criminal offense, then they must be arrested, charged or whatever.  The patriotic motives claimed are irrelevant.

If they are charged, fined or whatever, that is the price they pay for wanting to bring out the truth.

But more important, I think we should not misdirect ourselves from appreciating the offence of airing the smut video is less important than wanting to establish the identity of the actors in the video.

Surely Anwar Ibrahim, the person alleged to be the male actor wants to clear his name and  IF he can prove that it is not him; he will have in his possession, the most lethal katyusha rocket to blast Najib out of Putrajaya. On the other hand if his adversaries can clinically and factually establish that he is the actor, that will be the end of him.

Those who went there to see must also be liable to some criminal offence. The editors from several MSM, Star and NST who were there must be held accountable. If someone were to categorize the airing of the smut video as an act of heroism, his/her head needs to be examined. Does one show one is patriotic by promoting smut video? Therefore one is heroic?

UMNO people don’t have to get involved in this. Rahim Thamby Chik and Shuib Lazim do the thing they did on their own accord. UMNO has distanced itself from the actions of these individuals. They have said they have nothing to do with the video. They have said so and whether people believed them or not, is not a problem. UMNO can’t do anything to people who don’t believe them anyway.

Now that the Police are already involved, let’s urge the Police to establish the identity of the persons in the video- both the male and the female. We now urge the police to call in expert witnesses such as from the FBI or Scotland Yard. Let 3rd parties do the forensics. This way, the Malaysian Police can save themselves from the ignominy of being accused of conspiring to persecute a particular person. Take away the thunder from whoever is accused of being the actor. Avoid being accused as a bully.

The main issue is to identity of the male actor. Now that a video has been shown, surely those who have interests in that video have standing to defend it. They do so by making a police report. Anwar Ibrahim is the person alleged to be the male actor. So in the interest of defending his honor, he has made a police report.

Making a police report is one thing. Getting to the root of the issue is another thing. He has probably lodged a report against the 3 people who sponsored the airing of the video by claiming a variety of offences. I hope he is successful. If he is, we are still left with the issue of is it him or is it not him? Has he made a report urging the Police to conduct an investigation to identify the actors in the video? What is the nature of his report? Report against the 3 people? Report urging the Police to conduct an investigation to clear his name?


