Najib: Education System Needs to Explain 1Malaysia Concept

(Bernama) – GEORGE TOWN, 2 APRIL, 2011: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the country’s education system should include specific explanation on the 1Malaysia concept so that the country’s aspirations could be easily understood by the students.

He said the new generation, especially school students, should be made to understand the concept as they would be the benchmark for stronger racial unity and political stability in the country.

“The nation’s future depends on people who understand its aspirations and feel that they are part of a big family, and not just moving in their own entity. If each individual only acts in the interest of his/her group and entity, the national goals will not be achieved,” the prime minister said in reply to a question from his Facebook friend, Huzaini Mohd hashim, 44, from Balik Pulau, at a “Let’s Meet, Let’s Get Connected” function, here, today.

Huzaini had asked about the government’s approach in explaining the 1Malaysia concept and its direction to school students so that it could be easily understood and practised.
Najib said understanding and imbibing the 1Malaysia concept would take some time and could not be done suddenly.

Another of Najib’s Facebook friend, Sharifah Azizan from Jelutong, touched on elected representatives who were not playing their role as entrusted by the people.

“This is good point raised as people today are smart in judging leaders and they (the people) should not be under-estimated. If the elected representatives do not do their work, they will definitely be rejected,” said the prime minister.

Referring to himself in jest, Najib said he had 10 programmes during his one-day visit to Penang, today.

“This is my tenth, and tonight there’s one more; the final. We must work hard….” he said followed by thunderous applause from 200 Facebook friends present at the gathering.

Earlier, Najib who is also Barisan Nasional chairman, attended a closed-door, one-hour BN briefing at the Tabung Haji Complex, here.



