Who Will Win The Next Elections?


Born and bred in Penang, I have always loved this island and all it offers to us (except for the horrible traffic jams). As we all know, the Opposition is now governing Penang after a landslide win in the last General Elections. Unlike in the past where there was a tough fight, BN only won two of the 13 parliamentary seats and eleven of the 40 state seats. In short, history was created for BN as that was notably its worst performance in any General Elections. Prior to this, Gerakan had been leading the state since 1969 and was bulldozed to ground zero.

In a recent statement HERE, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the Barisan Nasional (BN) will definitely wrest back the state from its rival Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the next general election. The BN chairman and Umno president told reporters he sensed a shift in voter sentiment during his walkabout earlier in the day. I doubt a mere walkabout in selected areas can offer an accurate snapshot of voter sentiments in Penang.

The 12th GE was a very timely wake-up call for all political parties. Losers have to reinvent themselves for the next GE while winners have to deliver their promises and present an impeccable report card of their performance for voters to decide whether they should retain the status quo or vote for change.

So far, the Penang government (which is NOT perfect and has its share of flaws like any other government) has given Penangites many benefits via the thirty policies implemented (as announced in their pamphlet called 30 People-Centric policies which you can download HERE).

Perhaps the PM is not aware of the pamphlet for he said in The Malaysian Insider that many of the locals he spoke with had complained of neglect and having a tough time making a living under Lim Guan Eng’s state administration compared to when BN held power.


