Clip of Anwar video available on YouTube

(NST) – A video clip, believed to be part of the controversial Datuk T sex video, has been uploaded to YouTube.

The clip, which runs for one minute and 47 seconds, is said to show the start of the more than 20-minute video originally shown to media at Carcosa Seri Negara on March 21 2011.

The black-and-white video has no audio, and shows three people in what appears to be a hotel room. Two are male, and one female.

The video was uploaded to YouTube today by a user called ‘thepowercam’. As at 5pm, it was the only video uploaded by the user, and has been viewed 311 times.

Nazri supports screening of sex video in parliament

(Bernama) – Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz has weighed into the call that the controversial sex video implicating an opposition leader be screened in parliament.

Saying he supported the call, Mohamed Nazri said it would depend, however, on whether the Dewan Rakyat speaker would allow it.

“We are also concerned whether this is against the law.

“If we screen it in parliament, where will it be screened? If it’s at parliament compound, then we can’t have the (parliamentary) immunity. We should let the speaker decide,” he told reporters after opening the Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore Attorneys-General’s Annual Conference, here.

Mohamed Nazri was commenting on the call by DAP chairman Karpal Singh for the video to be screened in parliament to allow members of the house, including Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to identify the man in the video.

Asked on the issue, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said it would be “controversial.”

“I suggest that we read the Film Censorship Act which states clearly what constitutes an offence … it’s there, depending on the type of case.

“In this case, I can’t comment because I haven’t got the investigation papers from the police,” he said.

