Gutter Politics: Calling On the Rakyat to Force Reforms

By Robert Phang, Malaysian Digest

On the day the Sarawak State Assembly was dissolved, Malaysia’s gutter politics entered a new low when editors and key players of mainstream and alternative media were invited to a public screening and entertained to explicit pornography by the trio who call themselves ‘Datuk T’. To the world at large, this will unfortunately and inevitably be perceived as another persecution and smear campaign against Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. To most Malaysians, this reignites the disgrace we already suffered from being the brunt of scornful jokes in this region and globally as a Muslim country obsessed with smut.

The fact that notice of this public screening was duly given to take place at Carcosa Seri Negara would have drawn the attention of the Special Branch and the highest echelons of PDRM and all the way to the top Ministry and political leadership. This immediately gave ammunition for Anwar Ibrahim to allege political conspiracy. Nothing was done by the Police to stop this public pornography.

The legal community has already pointed out that such public screening is an offence under the Penal Code. On the other hand, IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar seemed to be less than certain of what offence have been committed. It is repugnant that the country’s highest lawyer, Attorney- General Gani Patail has not guided the police on this aspect. Likewise, this may yet fuel further allegations that the Attorney-General practices selective prosecution.

It is made worse that one of the Datuk T trio is the former Chief Minister of Melaka who was himself implicated in a case of statutory rape when the press at that time had sensationally reported the discovery of seminal stains in the CM’s office. It is a public mockery when Chua Soi Lek, the president of MCA, jumped on the moral high horse to chide Anwar, whereas Chua himself was a self-confessed porn actor in another sensational pornography video. At that time, I had no hesitation to take out public advertisements at my own cost to warn the MCA members to draw a clear distinction between Chua “Soiled” Lek and Ong Tee Keat in making the comparison between a “Bad Apple” and a “Good Apple”.

Chua is president of MCA today and see where he is leading it. It is notable that Ong had been fearless in the PKFZ issue and we see today some significant prosecutions. The Chinese community, or more specifically, the MCA members, of which I am one, must search their conscience as we march to the next party, state and general elections.     

On 29 March, we had another disgraceful statement by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, who arrogantly told the Dewan Rakyat that handouts during election campaigns cannot be considered as corruption as it is part of BN’s way to woo the people. This is alarming. As a former Advisory Panel member of the MACC, I say that it is totally unacceptable that gratification of that sort can be condoned and justified by a government Minister. Such political statements serve to only confuse the public. It is a great disservice to the MACC.

I urge Nazri Aziz not to undermine the efforts of the MACC Chief Commissioner, Datuk Seri Abu Kassim. BN politicians will be scorned by the Rakyat if they have blinkered views on issues of public importance. Politicians should have the courage to call a spade a spade and not try to pull cotton over the Rakyat’s eye. It would be most unfortunate if we cannot be clear as to the wrong from the right.

Nazri made it worse when he attacked Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) and told them to “shut up” and “mind its own business”. I was once in TI-M and we report on truth and transparency without fear or favor. Such arrogance against an NGO should not happen as the BN approaches the Sarawak state elections. It only shows the disregard that BN politicians have for the Rakyat’s views.

I have not forgotten that Nazri once referred to me as a man in the street. He should be reminded that it is the men and women in the streets who will determine his and his political party’s fate at the ballot box. Because I know him personally, I can appreciate his urge to be a “jantan” but there is a place and time for that. Be a jantan in championing the people’s cause. Nazri should emulate the wisdom of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib who has repeatedly reminded his public officers not to be arrogant and to be people-oriented. Nazri should observe the Government’s Transformation Program (GTP) and transform himself accordingly.

Today, on page N16, The Star presented the moneylenders’ views for their loan-shark activities. It is as if The Star is helping these loan sharks or ‘along’ to justify why they charge monthly interest rates of 10 percent per month whereas the law only allows them a maximum of 12 percent per annum. It is undeniable that the along activity is a menace in the country.

In 2006, I sat in the Ministry’s Committee to overcome this problem. It was during Musa Hassan’s time as IGP that many illegal moneylenders were legalized and yet they have continued with their illegal ways. With banks having branches in almost all small towns and in every nook and cranny of the country, legal financing is now available to everyone. There is no reason to perpetuate the Moneylenders Act. It should just be abolished. The evils connected with it are more than the good it brings.

I still recall that Musa Hassan’s name was implicated in the release of such an operator of the Tangkak syndicate. Musa Hassan then alleged that his men in blue tried to fix him. He is the first IGP to have accused his own men in blue.


