Hisham: Consider policies not bibles when voting

(The Malaysian Insider) – KUCHING, April 5 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein hopes that Sarawakians will not be swayed by the Bahasa Malaysia Bibles impasse when they go to the polls on April 16.

He said Sarawakians had bigger issues to be concerned about when they cast their votes such as the quality of their state administration and government policies.

“This is just another issue to distract the people of Sarawak. There are bigger issues which they must decide upon,” Hishammuddin said.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat today pledged to defend freedom of worship and allow all faiths in Sarawak to practice their religions in whatever language they chose. This was part of their bulletin cum manifesto which spells out the party’s promise if they took over Sarawak.

The pledge is in response to the Barisan Nasional federal government’s move to restrict the usage of Bahasa Malaysia Bibles, which is widely read in Sabah and Sarawak.

