Sarawak State Election appeal

By Voter Gets Voters

Spare a thought today for the plight of the Penans,Dayaks,Ibans,Bidayuhs and Sarawakians.

Whenever you buy a pack of ciggies; a mug of beer or a starbuck cuppacino or a movie ticket ; please do  give a thought to those long-sufferings of the Penans, Ibans, Dayaks, Bidayuh and other poor Sarawakians. 

They have been living in abject & deplorable poverty for decades under the tyranny of Taib Mahmud/BN-puteras,puteris Govt.

While $10 or $20 can buy you just that for a day it can buy them a FUTURE and by extension for us too when we donate $$. A BIGGER donation would be most helpful…a FAT CHEQUE  ensures plenty of goodwill returns when we help Pakatan to help us. i.e A BETTER Malaysia for you and your future generations too.

How can we not lift a finger to help our fellow East Malaysians especially those poorest of the poor Sarawakians !

How can we just walk away from our responsibility of making a BETTER Malaysia for ALL Malaysians by helping Pakatan get rid of 35 years of wholesale, rampant, blatant n MEGA corruptions commited by Taib /BN-Puteras,Puteris & cronies  for over 35 years.  

Or are we still playing blind and deaf to their silent cries?
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing – Edmund Burke.

If you wish to help/donate and have not done so yet, perhaps you might consider donating to DAP Malaysia (I mentioned DAP because theirs is the only bank account number I know.)

Cash deposit or online transfer can be made into the party’s Public Bank account No. 306 382 8309 (DAP Malaysia)

Cheques payable to “ DAP MALAYSIA ” can be sent to:
     Ibu Pejabat Kebangsaan
     Jalan Yew (off Jalan Pudu),
     55100 Kuala Lumpur.

PS 1 : I done my part by forwarding this & other emails to as many as I could , contributed monetary and be doing a collections amongst my friends this weekend.
PS 2 : Please feel free to forward to other friends and family who may be able to contribute 

                  EVERY  VOTE  COUNTS  
                              It’s  NOW or NEVER
               Vote for a BETTER  Malaysia

