Two submarines draining out RM50 million every year: ministry

(Harakah Daily) – KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 4: How would one describe an investment which not only depreciates in value every year but also needs a maintenance cost of 0.7 percent of the total amount?

This best describes the two submarines purchased by the government. After spending RM6.7 billion (1.34 billion euros) on two Scorpene submarines, deputy minister of Defence Dr Abdul Latif revealed that the country would now need an additional RM50 million of tax­payers’ money to maintain the two submarines annually so that the two-unit fleet will be fully operational under any condition.
Responding to the latest revelation, Kota Kinabalu member of parliament Hiew King Cheu said the cost smacked of extravagance, and questioned whether the country’s waters needed protection that justified such a hefty sum.
“We spent billion ringgits to purchase the two submarines and store million of dollars of spare part components to ensure a smooth running of the submarine, is this justified?
“Consider if the money had been rather spent on acquiring tactical war planes, would not that be more reasonable and effective in handling a crisis?” he asked.
On Abdul Latif’s announcement that the two submarines would be making a nationwide tour for public viewing, Hiew reminded the ministry that the submarines were not toys meant for pleasure rides.



