(1) Roundtable with Edmund Bon (2) Sarawak Elections Rally

Dear All –  there are 2 events coming up this Sunday in London, England, organised by Friends of Pakatan Rakyat, UK.

— 1 — MyOverseasVote cordially invite you to meet and exchange ideas with Edmund Bon, a Human Rights lawyer from Malaysia who is on a visit to London. An informal gathering will be held this Sunday, 10th April at Melur Restaurant from 3-6pm. Edmund will give a briefing on several new Civil Society initiatives such as Undi Malaysia, MyOverseasVote and MyConstitution. He will also chair a roundtable discussion on the ways and means to strengthen Civil Society in Malaysia.

Edmund is a tireless Activist, Campaigner and Founder of a number of civic initiatives in Malaysia. He co-founded the MyConstitution in November 2009 with the aim to create a greater awareness and to educate the public about the Federal Constituition. In March this year, Edmund launched Undi Malaysia, a voter education programme to empower Citizens to take ownership of their own country instead of leaving it to the negligence, despotism and corruption of their representatives.

He is the Chairperson of the Bar Council’s Human Rights Committee and a Secretariat member of the Human Rights organisation, Suaram.

Event Details : Melur Restaurant, 175a Edgware Road, London W2 1ET
Date : 10 April 2011
Time: 3.00-6.00pm

Please register at http://edmundbonlondon.eventbrite.com

— 2— The Sarawak Elections is just around the corner. Nomination Day will take place this weekend. Supporters of a free and fair elections will hold a rally outside the Malaysian Tourism office near Trafalgar Square this Sunday from 12.00-1:30pm. Please show your support alongside other concerned Malaysian citizens and friends.

57 Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DU
Date : 10 April 2011
Time : 12:00-1.30pm

