BN-ning SNAP : The Ex-PKR Unholy Trinity

The People’s Parliament

Last night, I was interviewed again by Radio Free Sarawak.

Papa Orang Utan asked me for the latest on SNAP.

Split into three factions, I told him.

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Yes, there are still good men in SNAP, albeit few, who are oblivious to the BN connection.

Who’re the ugly in SNAP?

As far as I know, one man.

Paul Kadang.

This ex-PKR deputy sec-gen is now the link to the KL operatives acting in cahoots with and under the directions of BN.

Who are the KL operatives?

Ex-PKR Sec-Gen, Salehuddin Hashim is the main operator, with former PKR communications director, Jonson Chong in tow, as Saleh’s errand boy.

There you have it.

The ex-PKR unholy trinity.

The odd thing is that, even as I write up this post, Jonson, who is still a PKR member, is in Kuching working out of the SNAP headquarters.

I sms’d Jonsan a few days ago to ask whether his present involvement with SNAP is not an infraction of PKR party discipline.

He replied to say that he did not think so.

I wonder if the PKR disciplinary committee takes the same view?


