Deepak: I’m carpet supplier for Najib-Rosmah

(Malaysiakini) – My name is Deepak Jaikishan and I am the person referred to in an article in Malaysia Today dated April 5, 2011.

I have called you all here today to explain the true facts with regard to the article in Malaysia Today and hope that this press statement will clear the air on the truth.

najib and rosmah 250608 02Firstly, it is true that I know Dato Seri Najib (Razak) and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah (Mansor). I have been their supplier of carpet and other interior products over the last few years. What is stated otherwise in the Malaysia Today article about me is not true.

I do not have any other relationship with either Najib or Rosmah personally or in any other business. What is stated in the Malaysia Today article is a pure myth and platform taken to damage my character and reputation by envious people with twisted and dirty minds.

Secondly, it is true that there were loans taken out by my company with Kuwait Finance House (KFH) amounting close to RM600 million for various property investment projects where KFH was also a “joint venture musyarakah” partner and for my carpet business.

Over the period of time, the loans have been gradually reduced through the sale of the properties and other businesses, leaving a balance of approximately RM200 million.

Kuwait Finance House has evolved dramatically over the last five years with lesser emphasis on the property market and over the last two years, we have focused on property business
in the region with other Islamic bankers as partners and financiers.

What is not true is that the loans taken by my company have been delinquent over the last five years or is currently delinquent. All our loan are current and in order, further neither me or my companies have been involved in any and/or corruption as alleged by Malaysia Today article.

The allegations wrote in the Malaysia Today article is very damaging as it affects the business relationship between me or my companies and other bankers and again an attempt by people envious of me or my business to damage my character.

The statement about P Balasubramaniam is also very much untrue. I have never been involved with Balasubramaniam nor do I know his whereabouts. It is also completely illogical to construe or imagine that I want to bring Balasubramaniam back to Malaysia and to get Balasubramaniam to sign a fourth statutory declaration in order to please Najib and/or Rosmah.

I wish to stress here today that I am purely a businessman with the intention to make money for my daily bread and I am in no way connected either personally or politically with these fiascos engineered by some evil minds with their own political agendas.

‘I did not bad mouth or praise Najib-Rosmah’

I also wish to stress here today that at no point of time have I gone about bad mouthing or praising Najib or Rosmah. The person or persons who engineered the article in Malaysia Today obviously is trying to create a discord between me and my clients but I believe Najib or Rosmah have more important matters to attend to then to believe all these lies.

For the record, I have been involved in carpet projects with clients involving the government, opposition party members, royalties, various MNCs (multinational corporations), GLCs (government-linked companies) and other institutions, and this article will definitely damage my reputation with them.

I wish to stress that as a businessman, my companies and I personally have always conducted our businesses with correct business ethics in place.

I also wish to state and reiterate that I have never spoken to anyone about Anwar Ibrahim’s latest case. Personally, I believe this is all political in nature and I have no interest in indulging in such idle gossip. I would rather spend my time focusing on ways to develop my business.

As far as the Gurujee’s (spiritual teacher’s) prediction goes, the only Gurujee I know is my teacher in high school, Mr John Michael, who not only made me class head but also taught me Maths and Science during my schooling years, for whom I have a great amount of respect for and refer to as Gurujee.

I hope that this press statement gives the Malaysian public a factual view of me and I hope that Malaysian will continue to believe in the truth as I have stated here today, I have embraced the 1Malaysia concept not from a politic platform but from a nationalistic platform as a great chance to keep our beautiful country intact and hope that the harmony and success achieved by our forefather continues growing with hard work and honesty and not by slandering and lies.

