Four Cornered Fight in Marudi, Telang Usan

(Bernama) – Marudi and Telang Usan in the parliamentary conastituency of Baram will be witnessing four-cornered fights in the April 16 Sarawak state election.

In the fray in Marudi when nominations closed today were the Barisan Nasional’s Sylvester Entri ak Muran, 57, who is the incumbent, Independent candidate Michael Ding Tuah, 47, Gerang ak Dagom, 46, (PKR)) and Edwin Dundang ak Bugak, 71, (SNAP).

Sylvester Entri is Sarawak Assistant Minister for Public Utilities while Edwin is SNAP president.

Gerang and Michael are businessmen.

In Telang Usan, the fight is between lawyer Harrison Ngau Laing, 51, (PKR), Kebing Wan, 61, (SNAP), Jok Ding, 58, (Independent) and BN newcomer Dennis Ngau, 43, a businessman.

Marudi has 13,093 registered voters while Telang Usan 13,623.

