Nazri to push sex vid RCI at Cabinet meet

By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 — Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz will propose to Cabinet that a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) be set up to decide “once and for all” if the man in a recently revealed sex video was Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.


The de facto law minister said he felt compelled to push for the RCI to clear Barisan Nasional’s (BN) name after Anwar’s wife and PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail denied that the man in question was her husband.

“Nothing personal here but because she denied it, it’ll look like the government created this video,” Nazri told reporters at Parliament here today.

