Should atheists be allowed to make such statements?

By John Doe

Famous writers such as Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Dan Dennet, amongst the many numerous others, have written book after book about religion and how they are all bullshit and nothing but man-made. Titles such as “God is not great, how religion poisons everything“, “The God Delusion“, “Letter to a Christian Nation” and many many more are easily and readily available at bookstores in Malaysia.

Should they be allowed to be sold? Should Malaysians be allowed to read them? If the Alkitab was deemed such a “fearsome” book, simply for the inclusion of the word “Allah”, then what more books written by the authors above?

What about the book entitled “The Origin of the Species” by Charles Darwin? That book (easily available as a free pdf download) basically tells how man descended from an ape-like creature circa 4 million years ago. That basically obliterates the “God Created Man in His own image” as written in the Bible.

What about dinosaurs? Should Malaysia ban all movies and books which talk about dinosaurs as well? After all, if the world was created 6,500 years ago, there would be simply no such thing as dinosaurs, unless one can assume that God ONLY created dinosaur fossils from day one. You see, dinosaurs existed from 250 million years ago, and went extinct 65 million years ago. And that is 60 million years BEFORE the first Homonids walked the earth.

If the earth is 6,500 years old, then “Perak Man” also should have never existed. Neither should have “Niah-Cave Man”, because that is 40,000 years old. Why? Because it means that the “Niah-Cave Man” and “Perak Man” would have been pre-Adam. And if there is such a thing as pre-Adam, then Adam would NOT have been the first human being “created”.

If there are those who believe that atheists are indeed allowed to voice their statements, then a few immediate questions arise. Why then is the Rukunegara prejudiced against Atheists?

The very first item states “Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan”. Shouldn’t this be amended?

If one insists that it is alright, then what about Buddhism? No true-Buddhist believes in God anyway …. 

Buddha is NOT God! He is merely one who found a way to “get out of the Recycling circle”. Attainment of Nirvana does NOT make one a God. If one believes that one becomes a God by achieving Nirvana, then perhaps the inflammatory “King Kong statement” may not so obscure after all ….

Lastly, I bring to your attention this clip of Sam Harris. He basically launches a full-frontal attack on Islam. Openly calling it “impossible to be a peaceful religion”.

Should JAKIM issue a fatwah in his name? Jakim decides everything, right? Just like how the 200 Shi’ites were arrested simply for being Shi’ites.

