Anwar’s O-mega angry when quizzed on sex video

The PKR leader lost his temper when a journalist asked him to show the watch which the Datuk T trio claimed he had allegedly left behind in a hotel after a sexual liasion.

(Free Malaysia Today) – He’s often well-composed even when under attack but Anwar Ibrahim lost it when a persistent reporter asked him to present his Omega watch, a supposed key evidence linked to the sex video allegedly involving him.

His temper flared when the female reporter from a government-linked broadcasting media asked amid a press conference on Sarawak elections when will he present the watch to prove his innocence.

“Who are you working for?” asked Anwar in a stern tone, a complete change from his initial calm and jovial intonation.

The moment the reporter answered, the former deputy prime minister, who is now on trial for a second sodomy charge, immediately retorted:

“What has the Omega watch got to do with anything? Has anything been established?”

At this point the reporter said Anwar had promised to show the watch and that he has so far failed to do so.

The opposition leader then raised his voice and said he was not obliged to answer the question and accused her of working for Umno.

This prompted the reporter to retaliate and said that her question had no links to Umno and cited the alleged promise made by Anwar to show the watch.

Situation heated up and escalated into verbal exchanges between Anwar and the reporter while leaders that flanked him urged the PKR supremo to ignore her.

But Anwar insisted to continue with his reply, saying that he wanted to show other reporters present “how Umno works”.

“I know that your question is meant to help Utusan (Malaysia) to report that Anwar failed to answer,” he blasted.

‘Even the police didn’t ask me’

The Datuk T trio who released a sex video supposedly showing a man resembling Anwar having sex with a woman on March 21, claimed the opposition leader had left his watch at the hotel where the sex scene was recorded.

They claimed this was proof that Anwar was the man in the video and dared him to present the watch to back his denial but Anwar’s wife, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said the watch was with her and that there was no need to show it to the media as she was certain the video is fake or “doctored”.

The three behind the expose are former Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim.

They claimed the watch has been given to the police who are currently investigating the matter. Anwar had denied that he was the person in the video and said the watch was with his wife. 


