DAP tells Taib to walk Alkitab talk

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 10 — Tan Sri Taib Mahmud must demand Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein apologise to all Malaysians for “dishonouring” 35,100 Malay language bibles with his ministry’s stamp and serial numbers, Lim Guan Eng said today.

This was the only way Taib can prove his sincerity on the matter, said the DAP secretary-general today.

“DAP doubts Taib’s sincerity in only calling the whole issue a ‘stupid idea’ in the middle of the Sarawak state elections.

“Taib should prove that his criticisms at the home ministry for this ‘stupid idea’ is not another politicking tactic to fish for Christian voters in the Sarawak [state election], by demanding an unconditional and immediate apology from Hishamuddin,” said Lim in a statement.

Taib, who is campaigning in the state election set for April 16, had yesterday described the stamping of the Alkitab as a “stupid idea”.

Taib yesterday called the stamping of the Alkitab a “stupid idea”. — Picture by Choo Choy May
The Sarawak CM said the stamping of an official seal and serial numbers on the Alkitab as initially proposed by the home ministry was a misinterpretation of the law by its lower ranking officers.

Today, Lim, who is Penang chief minister, said his Sarawak counterpart could not blame underlings for the home ministry’s actions.

Lim pointed out that Hishammuddin had defended the move to stamp the Malay bibles before telling Christians to be “fair and reasonable” over his ministry’s conditions.

“Apart from this ‘stupid idea’, Taib Mahmud should heed the views of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) by demanding that Hishammuddin removed the Alkitab from the list of publications listed as a threat to national security.

“CFM had said that there is systematic and progressive erosion of the right of Christians practise, profess, and express their faith. That is why CFM had called for the immediate revocation of all orders made under the Internal Security Act 1960, which have declared the Alkitab as a threat to national security,” said Lim.

According to Lim, DAP supported CFM’s demands in amending the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 so that the Alkitab would no longer considered a threat to public order.

Christian groups have been locked in a dispute with the government over the usage of Malay language bibles, or Al Kitab, and over 35,000 new copies had been impounded in Kuching and Port Klang by the home ministry.

The ministry then allowed the Bibles to be released on condition of being stamped with serial numbers and the phrase “for Christians only”. Christian groups had initially refused to abide by these conditions and have not collected the copies.

Yesterday, the Najib administration said that the Malay bible importers have now agreed to collect the 35,100 copies impounded in Port Klang and Kuching.


