Epic battle between SUPP and DAP

By Stephen Winfred, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Never before has a battle been fought so hard for the support of urban voters than in the coming 10th state election on April 16.

Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) contesting under the Barisan Nasional banner is facing the onslaught from the DAP in 15 urban seats in Kuching, Sibu and Miri.

Both sides are leaving no stones unturned in the battle described as the hottest ever in the state electoral history.

While SUPP is fighting for its survival, the DAP regards this election as “a once in a lifetime opportunity” to increase the number of its seat in the 71-seat state assembly.

DAP, which won six seats in the 2006 state elections, has described the polls as the “battle of the century.”

DAP and SUPP-BN are facing each other in 14 seats – namely Padungan, Pending, Batu Kawah, Kota Sentosa (in Kuching), Simanggang (Sri Aman), Repok, Meradong (in Sarikei), Bukit Assek, Dudong, Bawang Assan, Pelawan (in Sibu) Kidurong (in Bintulu), and Piasau and Pujut (in Miri).

The DAP is also trying its luck in unseating PBB in one of its stronghold in Bukit Kota (in Limbang).

“This election, though the toughest, is the best opportunity for us to win big. That is why we called it the battle of the century,” said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

The DAP sees potential in capturing seats like Padungan, Batu Kawah, Repok, Pelawan and Pujut besides retaining Kota Sentosa, Pending, Bukit Assek, Kidurong and Meradong in this election.

BN to lose more seats

Political analyst with UCSI University Ong Kian Ming said the response in the three urban areas – Kuching, Sibu and Miri – for DAP has been good with the party attracting huge crowds at its ceramahs in Kuching.

“Initial feeling on the ground is that the opposition is already gaining ground. It looks like BN is going to lose more seats in urban areas,” he said.

Apart from urban seats in Kuching and Sibu, DAP seems to be on the right track to extend its winning to Miri, namely in seats such as Pujut, Pelawan and Repok.

However it is still tough going in seats like Piasau, Dudong and Bawang Assan.

With polling a week away, Ong said it is still too early to make any conclusion on the victory for BN-SUPP as it depends on how much it can withstand the pressure from the DAP.

The campaign for the poll began on April 6 after nominations. The state would see contest in all 71-seats up for grabs.

The DAP kicked off its campaign in Kuching with Miri being the next stop, this weekend.

The “grand finale” is being planned for Sibu just before polling day.

Despite early indication of good ground support, DAP leaders remained cautious in retaining its seat.

“In Kuching, we already have three and we intend to add one more.

“The question now is how many seats can be won and whether it is enough to make an impact on Taib tenure,” said DAP publicity chief Tony Pua, referring to the Chief Minister Taib Mahmud who celebrated his 30th anniversary in office last March 26.

Straights fights

DAP seems to be on track to take home some predominantly Chinese seats outside the major urban centres.



