Taib: Cheap glass opposition is no diamond

(Bernama) – MIRI: The opposition promising to be a good government if it wins the Sarawak election is like “cheap glass claiming that it can become a diamond,” Chief Minister Taib Mahmud said today.

The state Barisan Nasional chairman added that the attempt of the opposition to project a united front was just an act to win the election.

“They are worse than the people they criticise,” he said at a gathering in  Kampung Bakam, about 25 kilometres from here.

Taib said the opposition “change” slogan was only intended to persuade voters to support their agenda of toppling the BN with no comprehensive plan to transform the livelihood of the people.

“A vote for them is a vote for instability and an uncertain future. Their change is change for uncertainty,” he added.

Taib said that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had delayed the establishment of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, taking away the allocations for the project when he was the deputy prime minister.

He said that Anwar had brought little change to the Permatang Pauh constituency although he had been its MP for about 16 years and held high office.

“I am only a humble chief minister, but I have at least been able to transform rural places like Samarahan and Mukah,” Taib added.

He branded the DAP as colonial in its campaign strategy, saying the party was politicising religious and racial issues to divide Sarawakians.

“It is just a matter of time before this opposition tactic backfires and explodes in their face,” Taib said.

