Thugs threaten DAP workers and ceramahs

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: DAP has lodged a police report after gangsters allegedly threatened the party’s election workers and destroyed their flags and banners at the 10th mile election bazaar near hear.

According to DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jen the gangsters had apparently retaliated after the party declined to give them protection money.

“They are threatening us just because we do not want to give them protection money.

“The gangsters want some money from us as they are also receiving money from Sarawak United People’s Party,” Chong told reporters here.

He also showed them a partly burnt ‘Rocket’ flag which party workers found Friday morning.

He said thus far the gangsters had destroyed eight DAP flags and banners.

Chong said DAP Batu Kawah branch chairman Bong Kuet Vui had lodged a police report against the gangsters.

He said the gangsters had approached them before nomination day demanding money in exchange for peace.

“They came to see us and demanded some money, so that they would not disturb our ‘ceramah’ and destroy our flags and banners, but we refused.

“They told  also us that they received some money from SUPP for the same purpose.

“But we refused to give them money because we don’t believe in money politics, ” he said.

Grateful to police

Chong added the heavy presence of police during DAP ceramahs’ are ironically now a blessing to the opposition party.

“Because of the heavy presence of the police at our ceramah the other day, the gangsters did not disturb us,” said Chong, adding that he was grateful to the police for their assistance.

At other times however DAP workers have been prevented from displaying their flags and banner. One such instance was in Kampung Landeh.

“When we received reports that there were no DAP flags and banners at the kampung, we sent our men to put up the flags.


