A message from Malaysiakini

Dear Readers,

Malaysiakini has been hit by a DDOS attack since 11am, Tuesday, April 12th.

Our tech team is working around the clock to find solutions. In the meantime, Malaysiakini content is available from

Malaysiakini’s news is also being posted to malaysiakinicom.wordpress.com and www.facebook.com/malaysiakini

To know more about DDOS attacks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack

To read about the attack: Malaysiakini down, hit by cyber attacks (

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. When will Malaysiakini be back to normal operations?
There is no easy solution to DDOS attacks. All we can say is that we are working extremely hard to resolve the issue.

2. Who did this?
The attack is coming from international locations. This is the standard method to launch an attack, even if the attacker is within the country. We cannot trace the attack to any one location or individual. However, we suspect that this attack is related to the Sarawak elections.

3. Why didn’t Malaysiakini prepare for this?
To put our servers on a platform that can filter out such an attack, will generally cost between RM 100,000 to RM 500,000, which will be a significant cost to Malaysiakini. We have opted to use such resources for good journalism. Nevertheless, we may have to reconsider this given the situation.

You can direct further questions to [email protected] or [email protected].

Premesh Chandran
CEO Malaysiakini

