DAP: Vote out SUPP for development

The prime minister’s offer of a new Chinese school in Kuching is not going to win SUPP more supporters.

(Free Malaysia Today) – KUCHING: The opposition DAP’s new tagline in Kuching should perhaps now read “Vote Out SUPP for development” because, according to party secretary Chong Chieng Jen, history has shown that when “SUPP (Sarawak United Peoples’ Party) loses in the area, we have new Chinese schools”.

“For example, before the 2006 state election when SUPP had strong support in Kuching, it had never talked of relocating Chung Hua Primary School Number Two.

“But after SUPP lost four seats in Kuching, we had a new Chung Hua Primary School Number Two,” he said.

Chong, the Kota Sentosa incumbent, also took a swipe at Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s promise that if BN won in Kuching, he might consider building Chung Hua School Number 7.

“If you vote for BN, then you get the school. That is Najib’s promise, which is vote buying,” he said.

He reminded the Chinese community that if it really wants a new school, it should ensure that SUPP loses all the five seats in Kuching.

“If this happens, then I am sure that before the next general election, this new school project will be under way,” he said.

DAP national deputy chairman Dr Tan Seng Giaw concurred with Chong.

“It is the same in Peninsular Malaysia. If you want new or better schools, you have to vote for the opposition.

“If you do, things will change whether you like it or not,” said Tan, citing his Kepong constituency as an example.

“I have the experience of seven terms as the MP for Kepong. It has emerged in over 30 years from a sleepy constituency to a lively town.

“Even three or four o’clock in the morning, we can still see light.

“They (BN) have to spend a lot of money to develop the area in order to win back the support of the people,” he said, expressing the hope that the people of Kuching and Sarawak will learn a lesson from his constituency.


