Deepak denies taking PI Bala to meet PM’s brother

(Malaysiakini) – Businessman Deepak Jaikishan categorically denied that he had any part in a clandestine meeting purportedly between private investigator P Balasubramaniam and Premier Najib Razak’s brother Nazim Razak as alleged by self-exiled blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin better known as RPK.

“That is a lie!” he said during a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, in reference to the elaborate clandestine meet that the blogger alleged to have taken place.

The blogger had maintained that the businessman had arranged a meeting between the private investigator and Nazim and his wife at a car showroom in a popular shopping mall in Petaling Jaya and was the “bagman” responsible for delivering the money to pay off Bala.

Deepak claimed that was never present at the locations and time alleged by RPK and did not engineer any meet between Bala and the PM’s brother. But he did concede that he knew of Bala through his brother and a mutual acquaintance Suresh, an ex-cop know was also knew Bala.

He related that his brother and Suresh were acquainted with Bala as they all used to frequent a “pure south Indian disco” in Bukit Bintang called, The Mandalay.

“I met Bala twice before. Once with Suresh and another time when he asked to see me through my brother and asked to borrow money from me.”

Deepak said that he did not lent money to the private investigator who was facing difficulties at the time as his ‘outing’ in the Altantuya investigation and trial had made him too high profile and unemployable as a PI.

The businessman also admitted to knowing Nazim but only in a business capacity as the latter is an architect and Deepak who does work in interior decorating works sometimes with him. He added that he knew of Nazim’s wife who was a former television personality but have never met her to date.

‘Too many Hindi movies’

“He (RPK) watches too many Hindi movies, that is his problem,” accused Deepak, speculating that the PI has let his imagination got the better of him.

The businessman stressed that he was no bagman nor errand boy.

“Bagman? nobody uses a bag in this day and age of the internet. Things are done via money transfer… Even if it is true (that I arranged the meeting). I am a busy man, why would I do such stuff, I have people that can do those things for me. I don’t have to do things myself,” argued Deepak.

He reiterated his stand that his dealings to the Premier and is family were pure on business concerns and does not mean he is connected to them and is their “bagman” or errand boy.

“I also do work for other cabinet ministers, does that mean I am connected to them also,” asked Deepak.

The businessman also clarified the details and purpose of his RM600 million loan which he said is aboveboard and he has thus far paid off as scheduled with only RM200 million outstanding. He said that everything is proper and he paid off part of his debt.

“If I have political connections I can just ask to write off the loan,” he joked.

‘RM 600 million loan’

Deepak explained that the RM600 million loan he applied for and got was part of an Islamic joint venture with the Kuwait Finance House and is jointly guaranteed by his directors and shareholders, including the bank itself which is a partner in the property investment venture.

He related that his property investment operation which started in 2005 was involved only in investments in Malaysia and the region and not used for property speculation in the middle east as some had suggested. He also denied any investment by his property business in Sarawak.

The businessman also denied that he is involved in government contracts directly.

However he admitted that he had been awarded to do interior decoration for the newly built National Palace at Jalan Duta, having been given two of the available eight parcels. He said that his company has finished the surau and is working on the royal wing. But he was quick to add that this was via the main-contractor and not from the government.

Deepak came out in several interviews and press conferences recently to defend himself after a series of scathing articles by RPK surfaced on Malaysia Today, a website operated by the blogger. However he said that the press conference yesterday was his last as he have no desire to seek the limelight.

“I only want to stay low profile, make money quietly and lots of it… In this country you have to be low profile if you want to make money.”

Quizzed about his age, Deepak declined comment citing that he is a bachelor and won’t want to let the ladies know his age, he however relented that he is in his thirties, quipping that he is also “very available”.

