Police close to wrapping up investigations into sex clip

(The Star) – Police are tying up loose ends in their investigations into the sex video allegedly involving a man resembling Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Deputy CID director Deputy Commissioner Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani, in a text message, said however that there were still a few minor details that needed to be finalised.

He added that police would make an announcement in due course once investigations were wrapped up.

It was also learnt that the man in the video has been positively identified.

DCP Acryl announced on Monday that police were trying to trace the owner of the expensive branded watch that was handed over to them to facilitate investigations into the sex video.

He told a press conference at Bukit Aman that police were working to determine the ow­­ner of the watch as it had a certificate of ownership.

The emergence of the 22-minute video featuring a man resembling the Opposition Leader having sex with a woman caused quite a stir and was even discussed in Parliament.

The video, which was time-stamped as Feb 21, was screened to journalists on March 21 by “Datuk T”.

Three men subsequently came forward to identify themselves as “Datuk T”.

The trio are former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Datuk Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer Datuk Shuaib Lazim.

