Spot the spin contest

Today, Malaysia Today is running a spot the spin contest. See if you can spot the spin from what I actually said in my interview in Australia with regards to the Statutory Declaration that I signed in 2008 and what I told the police during my interrogation. Hint: look for the key words.


Raja Petra Kamarudin



First the spin by Umno website Malaysia Instinct:

RPK…and the lying continues….

By:  Fareed Dawood

We’ve heard how heroes went to jail or even died for what they believe in.

Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Suu Kyi to name a few heroes who stand faithfully firm and unmoved despite the consequences.  For true heroes, die they would, if their death could mark a statement of their fight.  Run, is certainly not an option.

Never before a hero flee when called to face the music.  In fact, even an ordinary man without heroic attributes wouldn’t run away when given a chance to prove his words in the court of law should he believes that he is right. 

Claiming that the court will not be fair or that you will be put under ISA should you not flee, are mere excuses used by cowards and the guilty ones.

Like I said, true heroes would be willing to face anything in their fight for the truth because ‘faith’ is the key word for a hero’s strength.  The guilty ones however, can never depend on ‘faith’ to help them get through the trouble they themselves have created.

Somehow, there are Malaysians who look upon Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), a true coward and a fugitive, as a hero.  Not many of them anymore though, as some have started to realize what a fool they were for believing in him all these years.

RPK, once slipped his finger and wrote that BN is more transparent and open in terms of handling criticisms and maybe more professional in administration too, compared to PR.   This proves that even though RPK is aware of PR’s incapability to rule the country, he chooses to continue fighting (read: lying) for PR.

This is typical for someone who is unable to get a decent, honest, real job for a living.   RPK needs money for his wife’s breast cancer treatment and for his lavish and carefree lifestyle.

For that, RPK strike another lie just to divert attention from Anwar’s sex video which is giving PR a serious migraine that just won’t go away.  This time RPK implicates a carpet businessman, Deepak Jaikishan in private investigator, P.Balasubramaniam’s controversial statutory declarations.

In retaliation, Deepak says he will sue RPK for the malicious stories if the latter returns to Malaysia.  Deepak also said that he will also consider taking legal action against RPK in the UK.  

But for RPK, this is just another lawsuit for another lie.   Note that this guy is immune to lying, he lives in a lie and he will die lying.  Mark my word.  Lawsuits, justice and truths mean nothing to him.  As long as he can go on drinking and living a ‘wild’ life, he has no trouble sleeping, knowing the damage he caused to his own country.  

Before this, RPK was served with a three-page registered letter from legal firm Gab, Rao & Chuah,  demanding him to issue an “unreserved and unqualified” apology to be published in websites and all national papers and pay RM1 million in damages (which will be donated to a charitable foundation) for a defamation suit filed by Lieutenant Colonel Aziz Buyong.

The Army officer is one of three individuals (other than the two cops who have been charged for Altantuya Sharibuu’s murder) whom RPK swore were present when Altantuya was blown up with C4 explosives.

The officer was proven not guilty.  Naturally, he decided to get RPK to pay for all the lies and the damage done to his life.

RPK was also charged by the government for sedition for publishing the article “Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell” where he claimed that the PM and his wife were somehow involved in the murder. 

The lie didn’t stop there, RPK even promoted an idea that Rosmah, the PM’s wife was present at the murder scene.

There was also a defamation suit filed by prominent lawyer, Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah against RPK for writing malicious articles concerning him.  RPK offered no defense in the case.

There are many others who fell victim of RPKs lie but decided not to entertain this mentally unstable blogger.

But for all other lies that were taken to court, never once did RPK dare to even be there gentlemanly, to lay out all the evidence to support all his stories.   On the contrary, almost everyone mentioned in his stories came out to deny or rebut or challenge his facts.

Baseless stories and lies can only work for some time.  We have seen where lies have taken Anwar and his family.  We have seen how flip-flopping and inconsistencies have taken Nik Aziz.  We are now witnessing how double standard and racially biased actions have led Lim Kit Siang and his son.  We have also seen where hypocrisy have taken Zaid Ibrahim.

They are all going down, whether they realize it or not. 

And RPK is just a tool for these useless leaders.  A tool can only last for as long as the leaders and the money last.  It may be forever, though, with the kind of fund that these people are accessible to.

But then, with faith, I believe that nothing last forever in this world – not even the world itself.  Malaysians may continue living in peace and harmony under BN’s ruling.  RPK, his wife, Anwar, Zaid and all the useless leaders of PR may continue to try to destroy us.

So, let’s just put our faith in Allah to save us from these monsters.  InsyaAllah, with faith, the good will always win.


Then the Bernama spin:

Raja Petra Denies Implicating Najib, Rosmah In Altantuya’s Murder

(Bernama) — Malaysia Today founder and editor, Raja Petra Kamarudin, has revealed that his statutory declaration (SD) linking Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu was made based on information and demand by several individuals aimed at preventing Najib from becoming prime minister.

He said he had never accused the prime minister or his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor of being involved in the murder of the Mongolian woman and that he no longer believed the story of these individuals.

He added that these individuals were connected to several politicians including Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and that they had put pressure on him to do what he did to prevent Najib from taking over from Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who was relinquishing the post.

“I no longer accept the story. I think it’s quite impossible. It can’t be that the prime minister’s wife would want to go to such place; it’s a jungle. I’m imagining, climbing up the hill, going into the jungle at night, at 12 midnight, I think it’s quite impossible,” he said in an exclusive interview with TV3 Group Editor Datuk Ashraf Abdullah in Perth, Australia, recently.

The interview was aired through TV3’s primetime news, Buletin Utama, Wednesday night.

Raja Petra said in the SD he made on June 18, 2008, he had stated that he received information from several individuals claiming that Rosmah was at the scene where Altantuya was murdered.

“In my SD, I said that these people had told (me) and for these people to come forward and tell their stories, and for the authority to investigate and call these people.

“That is what I’ve written in the SD. I’ve never raised any accusation. I didn’t say I knew that the prime minister’s wife was at the scene at that time,” he said.

He said: “I did not say. I did not make such accusation. All I said was that there were people telling stories but it’s up to the authorities to investigate the matter further, and for these people to come forward.

“And I’ve mentioned the names of these people. I mentioned their names during the police investigation,” he said, identifying the individuals as Nik Azmi Nik Daud, John Pang and blogger Din Merican.


And the one from The Malay Mail:

RPK claims Anwar’s aides told him of Najib’s link to Altantuya murder

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Today founder and editor, Raja Petra Kamarudin, has revealed that his statutory declaration (SD) linking Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu was made based on information and demand by several individuals aimed at preventing Najib from becoming prime minister.

He said he had never accused the prime minister or his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor of being involved in the murder of the Mongolian woman and that he no longer believed the story of these individuals.

He added that these individuals were connected to several politicians including Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and that they had put pressure on him to do what he did to prevent Najib from taking over from Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who was relinquishing the post.

“I no longer accept the story. I think it’s quite impossible. It can’t be that the prime minister’s wife would want to go to such place; it’s a jungle. I’m imagining, climbing up the hill, going into the jungle at night, at 12 midnight, I think it’s quite impossible,” he said in an exclusive interview with TV3 Group Editor Datuk Ashraf Abdullah in Perth, Australia, recently.

The interview was aired through TV3’s primetime news, Buletin Utama, tonight.

Raja Petra said in the SD he made on June 18, 2008, he had stated that he received information from several individuals claiming that Rosmah was at the scene where Altantuya was murdered.

“In my SD, I said that these people had told (me) and for these people to come forward and tell their stories, and for the authority to investigate and call these people.

“That is what I’ve written in the SD. I’ve never raised any accusation. I didn’t say I knew that the prime minister’s wife was at the scene at that time,” he said.

He said: “I did not say. I did not make such accusation. All I said was that there were people telling stories but it’s up to the authorities to investigate the matter further, and for these people to come forward.

“And I’ve mentioned the names of these people. I mentioned their names during the police investigation,” he said, identifying the individuals as Nik Azmi Nik Daud, John Pang and blogger Din Merican.

He said a military intelligence officer known as Colonel Azmi Zainal Abidin had also given similar information.

He said in his meeting with Nik Azmi, he had asked him why he was being pressured to make the SD and that he had asked him “What do you hope to achieve?”

Raja Petra said: “He said Pak Lah will relinquish his post, (and) if we don’t block Najib, (he) will become the prime minister to succeed Pak Lah.”

Raja Petra said he then asked Din Merican to obtain the confirmation from Anwar.

“Din Merican contacted me back (and told me) he had spoken to Anwar and that Anwar had given the green light. He said it’s okay, no problem with this man, we can trust what he said; Anwar knows him well and he used to see Anwar often … this Lieutenant Colonel, and that he had also spoken to Anwar on this issue.

“He told me to proceed. So I proceeded,” he said.

Raja Petra said these individuals promised to become a witness if he was charged in court.

The second part of the interview will be aired on TV3’s Buletin Utama tomorrow night.


And now the one from The Star:

RPK: I don’t believe Najib, Rosmah involved in Altantuya murder

Malaysia Today founder and editor Raja Petra Kamarudin has admitted that he linked Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife to the murder of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu, even though he himself was doubtful it was true.

He claimed he made a statutory declaration (SD) in 2008 in the belief the order came from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

In a sensational interview aired over TV3 Wednesday night, he alleged that several politicians had put pressure on him to do what he did to prevent Najib from becoming Prime Minister.

He said he no longer believed the story of these individuals.

“I no longer accept the story. I think it’s quite impossible. It can’t be that the Prime Minister’s wife would want to go to such place; it’s a jungle. I’m imagining, climbing up the hill, going into the jungle at night, at 12 midnight, I think it’s quite impossible,” he said in an exclusive interview with TV3 Group Editor Datuk Ashraf Abdullah in Perth, Australia, recently.

The interview was aired on TV3’s primetime news, Buletin Utama.

Raja Petra said in the statutory declaration (SD) he made on June 18, 2008, he had stated that he received information from several individuals claiming Rosmah was at the scene where Altantuya was murdered.

“In my SD, I said that these people had told (me) and for these people to come forward and tell their stories, and for the authority to investigate and call these people.

“That is what I’ve written in the SD. I’ve never raised any accusation. I didn’t say I knew that the Prime Minister’s wife was at the scene at that time,” he said.

“I did not make such accusation. All I said was that there were people telling stories but it’s up to the authorities to investigate the matter further, and for these people to come forward.

“And I’ve mentioned the names of these people. I mentioned their names during the police investigation,” he said, claiming the three were Nik Azmi Nik Daud, John Pang and blogger Din Merican.

He alleged that a military intelligence officer known as Colonel Azmi Zainal Abidin had also given similar information. Raja Petra claimed these individuals had promised to become witnesses if he was charged in court.

The second part of the interview will be aired Thursday night. – Bernama

This is the transcript of the interview posted on

Saya tidak pernah menuduh Perdana Menteri atau isterinya terbabit dalam kes pembunuhan kes Altantuya Sharibuu.

Itu pengakuan pengendali laman web Malaysia Today Raja Petra Kamarudin yang muncul buat pertama kali setelah sekian lama menghilangkan diri.

Raja Petra berkata, beliau didesak dan dipengaruhi untuk berbuat demikian oleh beberapa individu yang tidak mahu Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak mengambil-alih sebagai Perdana Menteri.

Dalam satu temubual eksklusif bersama Ashraf Abdullah yang menjejaki beliau di Perth, Australia baru-baru ini, Raja Petra berkata, akuan bersumpah yang dibuat beliau pada 18 Jun 2008, hanyalah bersandarkan maklumat yang diperolehi daripada beberapa individu ini

Menurut Raja Petra, ramai orang termasuk polis, membuat tuduhan tanpa meneliti akuan bersumpahnya.

Dalam akuan bersumpah itu Raja Petra berkata, beliau menerima maklumat daripada beberapa individu kononnya isteri Perdana Menteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor berada di tempat kejadian ketika Altantuya dibunuh.

RAJA PETRA KAMARUDIN, PENGENDALI BLOG MALAYSIA TODAY “Di dalam sd saya tadi saya telah bercerita bahawasanya orang ini telah beritahu dan biarlah orang ini yang datang dan bercerita. Dan pihak berkuasa perlu siasat dan panggillah orang ini. Itu yang saya tulis dalam sd. Saya sendiri tidak timbulkan apa-apa tuduhan. Saya tidak kata saya tahu yang isteri timbalan perdana menteri semasa itu ada di tempat kejadian. Saya tidak cakap. Saya tidak buat satu tuduhan seperti berikut. Yang saya kata ada orang yang bercerita tetapi bergantung kepada pihak berkuasalah untuk menyiasat perkara ini lebih lanjut lagi dan untuk orang-orang ini kedepan. Dan saya sebut nama-nama orang ini. Saya sebut semasa siasatan polis.”

Raja Petra berkata, beliau menerima maklumat berkenaan, daripada beberapa individu yang mempunyai kaitan dengan beberapa tokoh politik, termasuk Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Mereka ialah Nik Azmi Nik Daud, John Pang dan penulis blog Din Merican.

Menurut Raja Petra seorang pegawai perisik angkatan tentera dikenali sebagai Leftenan Kolonel Azmi Zainal Abidin juga memberi maklumat yang sama.

“Saya tidak terima lagi cerita itu. Sebab saya rasa mungkin mustahil kot. Takkanlah isteri Perdana Menteri nak pergi tempat itu kerana tempat itu kerana kawasan itu tempat hutan dan saya dok fikir dia nak panjat bukit, masuk hutan tengah tengah malam, pukul 12 malam, saya ingat mustahil kot.”

Tambah Raja Petra, tujuan mereka ialah untuk memastikan Datuk Seri Najib tidak mengambil alih sebagai Perdana Menteri apabila Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meletakkan jawatan.

Menurutnya dalam pertemuan dengan Nik Azmi, beliau bertanya kenapa beliau didesak untuk membuat akuan bersumpah itu.

“What do you hope to achieve? Dia kata Pak Lah akan letak jawatan, kalau kita tak block Najib, Najib akan menjadi Perdana Menteri, ganti Pak Lah”

Menurut Raja Petra, beliau kemudian meminta Din Merican untuk mendapatkan pengesahan Datuk Seri Anwar.

“Din Merican pun contact saya balik dia kata dia dah cakap dengan anwar dan anwar pun bagi green light. Dia kata ok, orang ini no problem, apa dia cakap kita boleh percaya. Anwar pun kenal baik dengan dia ini dan dia pun biasa jumpa anwarleftenan kolonel ini. Dan dia pun banyak bercerita kepada anwar tentang isu inidia kata proceed. Saya pun proceed.”

Beliau berkata, kesemua individu ini berjanji akan menjadi saksi sekiranya beliau di dakwa di mahkamah.

Ikuti bahagian kedua temubual ini dalam Buletin Utama esok.

