Statement from Din Merican on RPK TV3 Interview

Din Merican

My friends, both in government and the private sector, smsed and telephoned this evening to inform me of the Raja Petra’s exclusive interview with TV3 (as reported below by The Malaysian Insider). I also received a call from Ms. Sira, a journalist from The Star, who had the courtesy to call me a few minutes ago.

I was surprised to learn that I have been linked to attempts to discredit Prime Minister Najib and his wife Rosmah with regard to the Altantuya case. There is no basis whatsoever in fact. I am personally disappointed that Raja Petra Kamarudin should see it fit to get me involved in a matter where I have zero knowledge.

Like many bloggers, I was unhappy with the Badawi Administration. After Badawi’s resignation in 2009 and Prime Minister Najib succeed him, I quietly left Parti KeADILan Rakyat. I know PKR Leaders personally. I also know UMNO-BN Leaders. My links with both sides of the political divide allow me to deal with issues in a dispassionate manner.

I have no disagreements with Prime Minister Najib. Let me state that I am not anti-Najib; in fact, a number of commentators in my blog have severely criticised me for being “soft” on our Prime Minister and his policies.

It is a fact that Raja Petra called to seek confirmation from Anwar Ibrahim regarding the reliability of a certain military intelligence officer. When I received confirmation from the PKR de facto leader, I relayed it to Raja Petra. That was all to the whole matter.


