Taib: BN Will Get More Than Two-Thirds Majority

(Malaysian Digest) – Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud said that Barisan Nasional will win more than two-thirds majority in the state election this Saturday because Bumiputras continue to be behind the government.

Taib, who is Sarawak BN chairman, said that he also sees some change in Chinese-dominated so-called black areas.

“After the last several days, I see, God-willing, BN will be able to win more than two-thirds of the seats in the Sarawak state legislative assembly,” he said in an interview here.

“This is based on my survey. It seems Bumiputera constituents are still loyal to BN because they think that no one but BN can guarantee their future,” he said.

On Chinese support, which is reported to be mainly for the opposition, Taib said that some Chinese had in the past one month felt that their problems and grouses were beginning to get the attention of the BN government.

He said the Chinese community wanted representatives who could discuss matters with other races in the government to achieve the most balanced solution for all.

“I reminded them that it is not enough for them to bring up their problems only once in a while to really protect the interests of the community,” Taib said.

Although there was some change in Chinese support, some areas remain black, he said.

Taib said he sensed a more serious mood among Chinese voters above 35 years old who he felt realize that the community cannot be out of the government because this would deprive them of the chance for dialogue and to progress as in the past.

He said that Chinese well-versed in economics, business and matters pertaining to prosperity were mulling the same question.

Taib also spoke out against what he saw as aggressive tactics imported into Sarawak by the opposition, especially the DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat, to influence the young with their anger and hatred.

This has overshadowed the gentlemanly behavior of the older generation voters, Taib said, adding that he hoped that this group would assert themselves before polling day.

“I think if they stand up boldly, we will have more seats from the Chinese community. I don’t think we will lose all the Chinese seats. It is not as bad as that,” said Taib.

The Sarawak United People’s Party, the Chinese component in the state BN, is again locked in a fierce tussle with the DAP in the dozen Chinese majority areas.

In 2006, SUPP lost six Chinese seats to the DAP.

BN held 63 of the 71 seats in the last assembly.

