Federal government contesting Sarawak polls, not BN

By P. Ramakrishnan, Aliran President

Fellow Sarawakians, your destiny is beckoning you to put right what is clearly wrong. The time has arrived for you to set the example for the rest of the country to reject corrupt officials and political bribery. This is the moment to inject morality and bring back good behavior into public life. This sacred duty to bring about change is in your hands.

You cannot be silent or indifferent to your calling in this hour of opportunity.

We are witnessing the worst human behavior employed and deployed in the pursuit of political power in the Sarawak election campaign and to think that our national leaders are involved in this despicable conduct is really nauseating.

When power and position means everything, ethics can go to hell, every principle of the Rukun Negara can be totally discarded, pious religious edicts can be ignored with impunity – everything becomes subservient to greed and power.

We are witnessing the worst human behavior employed and deployed in the pursuit of political power. And to think that our national leaders are involved in this despicable conduct is really nauseating.

The Sarawak election should be a contest among political parties. This is the practice in mature democracies in the civilised world. What we are witnessing in Sarawak only confirms that we are not a democracy and our conduct is not civilised in keeping with the rule of law.

The high profile figures of the Barisan Nasional are not there as leaders of the BN. They are there as leaders of the federal government and cabinet ministers. It is in these capacities that they are campaigning.

As leaders of the BN, they can only make promises but cannot grant outright allocations for projects. In this capacity they will be equal in footing with the rest of the contesting political parties. Under such circumstance, the Sarawak election would be deemed as fair and free with equal opportunity for all political parties to contest fairly.

