Najib, Taib’s ‘confidence’ worries Kit Siang

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Riding on past experience, DAP national adviser Lim Kit Siang has warned Sarawakians to be alert and on-guard as campaigning goes into its final 36 hours before polling on Saturday.

“This is in view of what Najib Razak (Prime Minister) and Taib Mahmud (Chief Minister) said that the state BN is determined to achieve a two-thirds majority this Saturday.

“In the last few days the BN will use the dirtiest trick in order to win. They’ve done it before and will do it again,” he said.

Lim was commenting on Najib’s remarks that the BN’s achievement of two-thirds majority “is a bonus”, whereas Taib said that he was confident of achieving two-thirds.

“I take note that SUPP is confident of winning the four seats in Kuching where the DAP candidates are contesting.

“I am worried about this, and we cannot take it lightly, because these four candidates are the target of SUPP’s campaign,” he said.

The DAP leader called on every supporter to cast their vote and to tell their friends and neighbours to vote for the DAP candidates.

“We cannot be sure of victory even though there were huge crowds at our ceramahs,” he said, pointing out that the critical and central issue is whether the people of Sarawak can deny Sarawak BN its two-thirds majority.

“I know that DAP members and leaders are very excited by the very good public responses to our campaign.

“And these crowds also demand tremendous change to Sarawak.

“If we can deny the state BN of the two-thirds majority, it will be an unprecedented defeat for the state BN.

“This will be a clear message to ‘pek moi’ (to go),” he said.

End Umno hegemony

Commenting on the presence of a large number of Umno members campaigning in the longhouses in Belaga, Lim warned the people of Sarawak of Umno hegemony.

“But in order to end Umno hegemony, we must say no to Taib and no to Najib in this election by voting for Pakatan Rakyat candidates.

“In this way we will end Umno hegemony,” said Lim.

DAP candidate for Kota Sentosa Chong Chieng Jen also urged voters in the Kota Sentosa constituency to come out in full force.

“They must come out by at least 75% if the DAP is going to win the constituency in order to offset the 3,000 postal votes given to the army in the constituency,” he said.


