Race politics rears its head in Sarawak

By Sheridan Mahavera, The Malaysian Insider

The Sarawak election campaign has brought to the surface racial undercurrents in the state that have been festering due to a growing urban-rural divide.

Alleged favouritism towards Malay-Melanaus and the rise of companies related to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) have fed dissatisfaction among other ethnic groups.

These economic concerns have brought into sharp focus the communal politics here that has been kept under wraps during decades of uninterrupted BN rule.

Saturday’s state election is expected to see the DAP making extensive gains in Chinese-majority seats with BN continuing to dominate Malay-Melanau areas.

PKR is also confident of making inroads with Dayak voters, who have consistently thrown their support behind BN in the past.

This would mirror the situation in the peninsula, where Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has raked in over two-thirds of Chinese votes since the 2008 general election but found its support among Malays and Indians slipping.

While peninsula politics has been more racialised compared to Sarawak which lacks the heated rhetoric of special positions, quotas and “jangan cabar hak kita (don’t challenge our rights),” it does not mean race is not a factor in the state at all.

Conversations with ordinary Sarawakians on what kind of Sarawak they want show that their identity as part of a bigger ethnic group features strongly.

The future of that community is also a strong undercurrent that will influence how they will vote on April 16.

No clear majority

A prominent Sarawak blogger once said the reason why relations between the different ethnic groups are more harmonious than the peninsula is that no one group can form a clear majority.

Roughly speaking, Sarawak society is 40-30-30, Dayaks being the “40” and the Chinese and Malay/Melanaus, comprising each of the “30s”. But even among the Dayaks there are dozens of ethnic sub-groups such as the Bidayuh, Iban and Orang Ulu, each with their own unique language.

A peculiar classification is the Malay-slash-Melanau. This is where the Constitution forces itself onto a local condition and tries to make it conform to its demands.

Melanaus have their own culture and language which is a whole world away from official Bahasa Malaysia. Almost all Melanaus are either Christian or Muslim. Mukah MP Datuk Leo Michael Toyad is a Christian Melanau, the Balingan state assemblyman under his constituency, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, is Muslim.

But when a Melanau is Muslim, they can also be classified as “Malay” and get with it a whole set of privileges.

Andie Bakom, an Iban pensioner, complained that when Dayaks try for more senior positions in either the local or federal level civil service, few get through.

“Kalau you ‘bin’ senang sikit. Kalau you ‘ak’, susah (if you are a ‘bin’ it is easier, if you are an ‘ak’ it is more difficult),” he said, adding it explains why there are very few at the upper echelons of the bureaucracy. (Bin is a term used for Muslims while ak is “anak kepada”, which Dayaks use.)

One of Bakrom’s neighbours in the Sungai Aup longhouse, James, complained of how the Ibans in the Sibu area have been pushed out of business ownership.

His comments further reflect a frustration about the unofficial hierarchy of privilege among the indigenous natives of Sarawak.

“Where are the Bumiputera businesses in Sibu? They only trade in the market. Even all the food stalls, they are all Melanau. They are not Malays, they all speak Melanau. The others are Chinese.”   

My race against yours, Sarawak style

In the town centre of Sibu, the only pictures of Chief Minister Taib are the ones where he is pilloried as a robber-baron.

A particularly huge one next to the Sibu district police headquarters has Taib and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng side by side. 

On the left is a smiling Lim in a Western suit. On the right is sinister Taib with a sneer, dark glasses and the Melanau cloth cap called a sengkulon.

A five-minute drive away is Kampung Nangka, Sibu’s Malay and Melanau enclave. Here, posters of an affable Taib are strung up along with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Nangka BN candidate Dr Anwar Rapee.

The contrast between the Chinese-majority areas and Nangka is not lost among residents. BN and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) have been quick to point this out.

“The more the DAP attacks Taib, the more entrenched BN’s support is among the people of Nangka,” said a BN activist who flew in from the peninsula to help the campaign.

Half of the houses in Nangka have strung up the trademark dark blue “dacing” (scales) on their verandas, porches and fences.    

One resident, who wanted to be called Ahmad Rozad, said “as bad as people make out Taib to be at least he is a Muslim. If there was a non-Muslim on top, “habis lah orang Islam (Muslims will be finished).”

The DAP has tried to eliminate any racial overtones from its campaign, said secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.


