Anwar’s confident about winning Sarawak

He believes that the ‘tremendous response for change’ will see Pakatan Rakyat forming the next Sarawak government.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Despite the ‘unethical’ practices by Barisan Nasional in rural Sarawak, Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim is confident that the opposition would form the next government in Sarawak.

“The response for change is tremendous. In all the places that I visited, from Lawas to Miri, Sibu, Kapit, Betong, to Sri Aman, Simunjan and Serian, I found that the people want change.

“I believe with the people’s support the next government will be the Pakatan Rakyat government,” he told some 5,000 people gathered at the BDC Stampin last night.

Anwar said people had had enough of the 47 years of corrupt governance and were ready to make sacrifices.

“In Kapit I was touched by the pledge of a penghulu who wanted to fight for his people after their land has been taken away from them.

“The penghulu told me that they (the government) can take away his penghuluship any time, but they cannot take away his spirit to fight for his people.

“This penghulu is a brave leader who dares to forsake his salary and penghulu post in order to fight for his people,” he said.

Anwar, who is spending the final hours before polling on Saturday in and around Kuching, urged city folk to vote for Pakatan’s candidates.

Credible candidates

Vouching for the credibility and integrity of Pakatan candidates he said: “We must elect candidates with credibility and integrity, candidates who are free from corruption, because we are going to change the system of government in Sarawak.

“We must elect them whether they are Chinese, Malay, Iban, Bidayuh or Orang Ulu if they can serve us well and if they are committed to serve the people and not the ones who take away people’s land.”

Describing Lim Guan Eng as the “best Chief Minister Penang ever had”, he said Guan Eng came down to meet the people and “does not own an inch of land”.

“Look at Penang, my home state where we have Lim Guan Eng, a Chinese as the Chief Minister. He is the best chief minister that Penang has ever had.

“He has a lot of integrity and credibility,” he said.


