Experts: RPK’s revelations may do more harm to his reputation

(The Malay Mail) – The revelations by blogger and editor of the Malaysia Today news portal, Raja Petra Kamarudin, that attempts were made by several individuals to foil Datuk Seri Najib Razak from becoming Prime Minister, as telecast on TV3’s Buletin Utama on Wednesday night, would not only affect the reputations of both the government and opposition but Raja Petra himself.

Political analysts told The Malay Mail Raja Petra’s reputation would also suffer as people would become suspicious of his motives.

Dr Wong Chin Huat, a university lecturer and political activist, said: “Undoubtedly, hardcore supporters of both Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) would claim Raja Petra’s admission got their respective points across.”

He said BN supporters would claim Najib was now free of the allegations he and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, were involved in the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu while PR supporters would claim Raja Petra was raising the allegations again though he said he no longer believed in it.

“Raja Petra’s supporters would laud him as a hero for cunningly reviving the murder allegations and getting the mainstream media to report on it while his detractors will now distrust him on his U-turn and question his real agenda,” said Wong.

“Those who have been suspicious of Raja Petra will be even more suspicious of him now.”

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak lecturer and political analyst Dr Jeniri Amir said Raja Petra’s revelations were a boost for the BN while tarnishing de facto PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s reputation.

“However, Raja Petra’s integrity will now be questioned by those who had long believed in him,” said Jeniri.

Both Jeniri and Wong said Raja Petra’s revelations would not have a big impact on the Sarawak elections tomorrow.

Prof James Chin of Monash University, however, felt RPK’s revelations would not affect PKR support.

“It’s only a small matter,” said Chin, who heads Monash’s School of Social Sciences.

“Raja Petra had explained he only did the statutory declaration based on information given to him,” said Chin, adding most PKR supporters would understand and accept his explanation.

Chin said most supporters understood RPK’s vocal character.

“Everyone knows RPK is the kind to criticise anybody. He will criticise the PM, he will also criticise Anwar.”

He also said many supporters will not be too shocked by the revelations.

“I don’t think anyone really believed Rosmah would enter a jungle,” said Chin, referring to Altantuya’s murder scene.

