Dr M: No Single Malaysian Race Can Have All They Want

(Bernama) – MUKAH — In a multiracial country like Malaysia, no single race can get 100 per cent of their rights fulfilled, says former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“It is very important for the people to understand and accept the fact that  we cannot get all our demands.

“We need to sacrifice some of our rights to accommodate others in order to create a peaceful and stable society for greater development, progress and prosperity,” he said when speaking at the “Berambeh Jegem (Get-Together) with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad” event, here, on Friday.

Also present were Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and wife Ragad Kurdi Taib.

Abdul Taib is defending his Balingian seat in the state election today.

A large crowd of about 3,000 people turned up at the Kingwood Resort where Dr Mahathir attended the function.

The former premier also talked at length on the need to have a strong, formidable and responsible government to create jobs and business opportunities to enable the people to earn regular income and enjoy a better living standard.

“This had been and is the policy of the government of Malaysia under past prime ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, myself, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and current Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak,” he said.

Dr Mahathir called on all Malaysians, particularly Sarawakians, to be knowledgeable and wise in discharging their democratic rights to safeguard the peace, unity and harmony prevalent among Malaysians

He also reminded Malaysians to refrain from being confrontational but to be tolerant and accommodative as the country moved forward to become a developed nation in the near future.

Dr Mahathir said the poor distribution of wealth in Africa and Middle Eastern countries was the main cause of unhappiness and dissatisfaction among the poor and ordinary people.

He praised Najib’s leadership, saying he had full confidence in him.

He said Najib should be supported by all Malaysians, irrespective of race, creed and faith.
